70-71 Steel Tanker Pipe

Started by rpage11, August 07, 2006, 11:32:17 AM

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If anyone is interested in an exhaust pipe for the 70-71 Steel Tankers, Kevin at Circle F should be able to help you out.  His number is 713-467-1488.  I'm not sure of the cost yet, but here's some pictures of the one he's making for me.  Have a good day.  I've never posted an image before so this might take a time or two to figure out.

Phone number changed here too.
Skip Page
Tucson, AZ

Don Roth

Thanks for the post and reference,
just spoke with Kevin, he stated a price of $140.00 (+ 20.00 s/h)
You can bet my money order is on the way, 4-5 week delivery,
life is good.


I think I might have listed Pro Flow phone number.  They will probably be able to put you in touch with Kevin at Circle F, but the number to his shop is 713-467-1488.  Skip
Skip Page
Tucson, AZ


Skip, Thanks for doing that! Say BTW, I see there is a hot Lowenbrau babe sitting on a Penton, so like if I order a pipe, can a get a cool one delivered by her? Would make my day [:p] [:p] [:p]
Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius


Have her bring a six pack and I'll stop by to enjoy it with you. Skip
Skip Page
Tucson, AZ