Help save pentons in AHRMA

Started by bildough, August 30, 2006, 12:33:24 AM

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our voice really does matter. PLEASE take the time to post on the AHRMA board a message of disapproval about the proposal to move the sachs D motor to the sportsman class. The more criticism this proposal receives the harder it will be for the board to vote to approve it.

//  at the bottom is the discussion board . Go to the moto cross link

thank you for helping all of us

Bill Cappel

Doug Wilford

Great idea Bill, Thanks!   Now, all you racers let your e-mails do the talking to AHRMA.


Hi Bill,

I read the entire thread on AHRMA.  There is obviously an end run going on, to avoid the Board having to go through the scrutiny of formal procedure.  And that is always (always) motivated by personal agenda.  Someone is either trying to hurt someone they don't like or can't beat, or trying to help a buddy who wants the change made for the same reason.

You're using reason and logic in your arguments to them, but I doubt that those are relevant factors in a nefarious 'dodge', which this is on their part.  Ultimately, it's always personal, and the only way to beat it is to apply the heat to the point where the cost of the change to the Board is higher than the perceived benefit to the Board.  

Just my paranoid opinion (but that doesn't mean they're not after me!).

Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time


My letter to the Rules committee and the National Office:

Hi guys,

I have a Penton 125cc Sachs engined bike that has a "B" engine in it. However, I spent alot of time and money trying to find a "D" cylinder for it primarily because of the convenience of the bolt on intake manifold when you have to change carbs. I say "have to change" carbs because the Bings that come with it wear out very fast and the new Bing replacemsnt cost is prohibitive, so I have been replacing my Bings with Mikunis. The "D" manifold makes it easier to do.

I told Doug Wilford, the U.S. Sachs engine expert, I was looking for a "D" cylinder last year and he told me not to waste my time, that the "D" engine was not much better in performance than a "B" and in fact, he prefers the "B" engine. Against his wishes, I finally found a "D" cylinder and purchased it at too great a cost!!!

I am hoping that you don't change the current rule as I (and many other people also) understand it and make the "D" engine a "sportsman" class engine. It is an out of date "classic " engine and it is not competitve against the CZs, etc., especially because of the endless neutrals transmission. I ride it because I only ride Pentons unless I have to ride something else!!!

Thank you for taking time to consider this,

Teddy Landers 62D