Buehner scores at Ohio Valley Rally

Started by Paul Danik, August 28, 2006, 09:25:26 PM

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Paul Danik

The Ohio Valley BSA Owners Club hosted it's 25th Annual Rally this past weekend.  Alan Buehner entered the Reliability Run on Saturday and came home second in the lightweight class on his Jackpiner. This years run was approximately 45 miles of off road trails connected by some country roads.
    What made this really special is that this was Alan's first trophy. His smile was wider than his handlebar mustache:D
   Congratulations Alan.




  You didn't happen to notice if he had landed a sponsor?;)  Congratualtions Al and I hope this is the first in many more to come...you are very deserving for all the efforts you have out into the POG.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


45 miles??? Al are you sore today? I would be.


Great Job Al!!!

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


Congradulations Al on a job well done!!:D
Lee Buffenmyer

Mike Lenz


YEE HAH, Reunion ride here Al comes!!!!



Al was definitely one happy feller when he won that trophy.  However, he is also one the most highly enthused riders I have ever seen.  That "ear to ear" grin of his started the moment we hit the gate, and never diminished the entire day.  Also, what Paul failed to mention was his own performance, aboard the actual 125 Six-Day on which he competed in the Italian ISDT.  It goes without saying that he disappeared on the trails, but I thought I could at least keep him in sight on the road sections - NOT!   And I was riding a 500!  Look for a full report in the next SKT, depending on editor-Al.


Whoops!  Paul corrected me on reference to his ride - it was not his Italian 6-Day bike, but rather the one he rode in the '73 Berkshire ISDT.  Still, an amazing piece of moto-history!

Jay Jones

Great job Al!How many poggers were there?How many Penton riders?:DJay