Started by Larry Perkins, September 12, 2006, 07:35:43 PM

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Larry Perkins

To the Webmaster and the powers at POG,

It is past time to come up with some method of policing the registration of members on this website.  It is no longer funny and it is necessary to gain control of the process.  Will you do something about this or should real members leave the forum to not have to deal with this idiocy that continues?  I realize that in America there is free speech but something must be done about this.  There has to be a way to eliminate the problem.  Now is the time to speak up POG leaders and come up with an idea before some go away.

Larry P

Jay Jones

Larry'you may think you can speak for others but you can't speak for me?SORRY!


Jay Jones, Larry Perkins does not speak for ME! I can speak for my self.
I have an Outstanding proposition for you, come to the RR. bring every issue that you wish to talk about.

Men, would drive 1000 miles, to defend His Honor, which cannot be replaced!
Do you see?
Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius


Larry last Sunday I attended the Chiefs - Bengals football game. In the 3rd quarter Trent Green was knocked cold by a violent hit from the Bengals D-end. A loud mouth Bengal fan stood up a cheered and clapped. Myself and the guys around me reacted like and good fan would, we gave him the business right back. What I noticed was we were empowering him to get louder and louder. My friends and I shut up and watched the game. The loud mouth still wanting the attention continued to be a jerk until security finally hauled him off.

By reacting to these posts we give these jokers a forum and empower them to say more. We only get more angry and they get more enjoyment.

Rod Whitman
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)



Life was so much easier, when you were just bashing the restorers for asking about paint colors.



Racer I see you are a new member.  How long you been on POG to know this stuff about Larry P?  Just wondering.



Actually, I have been following the Board for a year, as I was fixing up a couple of Pentons. Never felt the need to post; plenty of good stuff in the archives. Larry's stupid comments brought me to finally post. Check out his other post about clubbing someone like a seal; real nice. Jeez, I hope the Hodaka guys aren't reading this Board; how embarrassing. He really is a knucklehead.


Hi,I haven't checked the POG site for a couple weeks and boy the end of summer sure has people on edge.As someone who is a collector of vintage 60's Triumphs (and a few other brands) I know a little about a brand name being taken over.If you have the money or are slick enough to end up with the trademark you can name your creation whatever.The truth of the mater is it will only be that in name.Indian is a good example.Get some capital slap a name that is known around the world and start making the big dough.Oops forgot that the motorcycling community doesn't take kindly to that kind of thing.If this "new" bike is so good so be it,but my guess is the same thing that happened to Indian will happen here.If anything good comes out of this bike at least the name will get out there.I'm sorry that Mr. Penton and his family have to go through this attempt to takeover the Penton name.I think after it's all said and done this attempt is a disaster waiting to happen.Let the free market decide if this is a good bike or not.My guess is there are enough bikes for sell out there that this one will fail.One of the things thats going to happen in my opinion is the "real" Penton is going to increase in value.I've seen happen in the Triumph brand.This is just my two cents and I hope my grammer and spelling do not take away from my point.


I agree with Larry on somehow limiting who can post on this site.  Maybe have name and telephone numbers that can be checked? I am sure a computer geek can come up with a way to ID the computer that is posting each post.  While a person can still use a different computer at a different location with a different name it does make it less easy.  Or limit it only to POGGERs? The vintage japanese club limits a lot of their site to members only I believe. Just a thought.  Ted


Having watched this issue for a while now, it appears to me (AND THIS IS JUST MY OPINION, MIND YOU!), you'll never be able to totally eliminate the poseurs and/or agitators from the site.

However, as Ted suggested, restricting forum participation to POG members will help some and simply ignoring the obvious idiots, to the greatest extent possible, will help more.

By the way, the tenet of "Free Speech" doesn't apply to this site (or others like it) so all types of "spam", human or electronic, can be filtered with impunity.



Larry,Keith,Tom,Ted,-excellent points,all.When it was brought up a while back that he was using this site for free advertising and bait and switch type "deals",his reply/defense was he is a paid up pog member.I think he should have to pay member fees for all his multiple personalities past and present and/or be banned from this site.He obviously has no brains,honor,or scruples,has his own agenda that is polar opposite of ours,and acts not in the best interest of the group.in my humble opinion-BAN HIS ASS.sooner the better.He's gotta go.What i'd hate to see happen is a real newbie get disrespected because of his antics.Petition anyone???
Ric Emmal

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


Great idea,here's mine.Frosty aka Dave Frost Hammond,In (219)989-0860
I'm a new (less that 1 year) member.I'll sign my name and back up anything that I write.If I can't say it to your face I won't say it behind the safety of this keyboard or under an assumed ID that I post on this site.Hope everyone else will do the same.Please don't allow this site to be a sounding board for the person that tries to cause trouble.Treat people the way you want to be treated.We may not all agree all the time but at least keep it civil.If not for your character at least for POG.


I like the idea of only allowing someone that will provide a verifiable address and phone number to be able to post on the site. I am afraid if joining the group, which I have, is a requirement for posting, it might keep away some newcomer that needs legitimate help with his bike, or found a good deal that he/she would like to pass along to someone here that would greater appreciate it. Mike

Michael R. Winter
I enjoy rebuilding and appreciating Pentons!
1974 250 HS Pentons-1980 KTM 250'S
Michael R. Winter
I enjoy rebuilding and appreciating Pentons!
1976 Penton MC5 400
1977 KTM MC5 125
1978 KTM 78 GS6 250
L78-79 MX6 175-250 KTM\\\'s
1976-78 125-400 RM\\\'s
2007 CR125R Honda
1977 MC250 Maico
2017 KTM Freeride 250R

Jeff D

Racer 501,
If you knew Larry you would know he is neither stupid nor a knucklehead, and you'd also know that he has a long, impressive racing history (that still continues) and he restores and races some very nice Pentons.  Is he opinionated?  You bet.  Is he bashful about stating his opinions?  Nope.  Does he verbalize what a number of other members silently think?  I believe so.  I enjoy his commentary and it usually hits the nail directly on the head.  
I also belong to the Vinduro group and it got so bad there a while back that the website administrator had to remove some folks who were violating good manners and sense.  Now potential new members have to apply through the administrator for admission.  While that does not guarantee someone can fool the system at first, it does help weed out some of the ne'er-do-well's and gives the administrator the option of giving them warnings via private email and ultimately yanking their priviledges on the board if they do not improve their behavior.
At least one of the people on currently on the POG board has written numerous private emails to individuals who questioned his intentions and has made phone calls to several of our more senior and distinguished members to assail them over the phone.  That sort of behavior is unacceptable in anyone's book and the web administrator here would have my "aye" vote if I was asked if that person should be barred from further participation on the POG board.
Just my 2 cents worth.  Any and all are free to disagree or agree as they see fit.
Jeff DeBell
Spring Hill, KS
I don't have any need to hide my identity!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


Jeff,I think you hit the nail on the head about Larry saying what most of us think about this situation.My vote would be an aye as well.He started his own site-let him talk to himself there.Though sometimes humorous (because it's so ridiculous)this is getting old.I'll be spending more time in the garage working on,and out riding my Real Pentons until this goes away,(which is a good thing!)...Ric Emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...