shock bushings

Started by imported_n/a, September 16, 2006, 08:15:28 PM

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POG, just took the junk shocks off of my 74 six day that were on there just to hold 'er together in order to put on some spiffy NOS Koni's. The new shocks came with bushings sort of pressed in and then an additional set of reducers that are 17mm. As you know the top bolt on my CMF is 17mm and the shocks fit fine there but the bottom bolt is 13mm which leaves 4mm of play on the bottom. What's the solution to this. I'm a little green in this area.[:p] Thanks,



Oil City Chris,
  You can do all kinds of things to remedy this.  If you go to a good hardware store you can probably find some bushings or look around for some tubing that is the size you want and make them yourself.  Carry the bolt with you for sizing.  When I am in a hurry I just use copper tubing.  I hope this helps.  And, as always, if I can help you just email me.

Ron Carbaugh
Kerrville, Texas
Ron Carbaugh


I'll try to help you here, as I just went thru this myself.  The bolt that hold your shocks on are 10mm top (17mm bolt head) and 8mm bottom (13mm bolt head). I bring this up because you are going to want to replace your bottom bushing, and need to know what to ask for.  Your top 10mm bolt fits the 12mm to 10mm reducer bushing.  What you need for the bottom is a reducer bushing to replace the one you presently have in the bottom.  So you want two 12mm OD to 8mm ID bushing and will use it to press out the 12mm to 10mm that's in there at present.
Another approach if that not available is to use a 10mm to 8mm inside the present bushing. I was able to purchase mine from Al Buehner, listed under suppliers on the POG home page, but good cycle shops should also have them.  Whew, that was a long reply for a short question, but hope it helps.   Nelson


Ron, Nelson - thanks guys for the quick replies! just after i typed the question and hit enter I thought to myself, someone's gonna reply with "get an 10>8mm bushing!"....sure 'nuff!!

good stuff, that was easy,
