1974 Hare Scrambler Wheel Spoke Lacing

Started by DataPlace, March 19, 2010, 11:28:34 AM

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I am confirming the spoke lacing of the front 21" wheel on a 250cc Hare  Scrambler. There are two (2) types of spokes for the front wheel although they are the same length. One has more of a bend where it goes through the hub than the other. Can someone confirm which type goes on which side please - does the spoke closer to a 90deg right angle bend (i.e.with the most bend) go on the brake side or non-brake side? Thank you...

1973 - 250 Hare Scrambler
1973 - 250 Hare Scrambler

Kip Kern

Data,  There are two types of spokes, inside and outside.  The ones  close to 90 degrees are inside and the ones with the greater bends are outside.  The insides lace from the outside of the hubs (less bend) and the outsides lace from the inside of the hubs (greater bend to lay over the outside of the edges of the hubs)  Hope this helps!  Lace up the entire hubs, lay it on a table and establish the cross 4 pattern roughly.  Lay the rim over the roughly laced hub/spokes and then match up the correct spoke holes.  Good Luck CIAO