POG meeting

Started by Bob Seymour, October 06, 2006, 09:23:41 PM

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Bob Seymour

Hey Rob, did you make sure Mr. Penton got his coffee? What a wonderful experience. Here I am waiting to hook up with Rob Wardlow to take posession of a couple bikes and I guess I got into Amherst,Ohio a little early. With some time to pass, I go into the front reception area of the KTM office and strike up a conversation with the reception girl and she hands me a poster with John Penton on it. She says,you know, these guys from the Penton Owners Group are the best! And how right she was! I am truly sorry I could'nt hang around for the entire meeting. Everyone I had the brief priveledge to meet and talk with was great. Family commitments for the following morning forced my early departure. Everyone I had the good fortune to briefly meet and talk with yesterday evening was a pleasure. This is truly one of the best group of guys that share a common interest and bond.

rob w

 Bob, Glad everything went okay. It was a pleasure to meet you, hope the bikes work out well. Let me know if there's anymore I can help with - enjoy your riding. Yep the meeting was great, I always love going to them. 530 miles round-trip for me to go to a meeting, but I've never regreted the effort it takes. On all occassions with these Penton folk, I feel lucky and honored to be a part of the affair. Like you say, wonderful experiences with the best group of motorcyclist's anywhere.

Talk to you later;
Bob W

rob w

 Bob, Glad everything went okay. It was a pleasure to meet you, hope the bikes work out well. Let me know if there's anymore I can help with - enjoy your riding. Yep the meeting was great, I always love going to them. 530 miles round-trip for me to go to a meeting, but I've never regreted the effort it takes. On all occassions with these Penton folk, I feel lucky and honored to be a part of the affair. Like you say, wonderful experiences with the best group of motorcyclist's anywhere.

Talk to you later;
Bob W