Harvest Time

Started by rob w, October 18, 2006, 08:54:12 PM

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Lew Mayer

You are sick, Bawb. I hope they don't find a cure,though.[^]:)

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Bob Wardlow is an artist.  That's all there is to it.

Mick Milakovic

There's a Yamaha ad that asks "do you see the world in YZ?" and shows pictues of constuction site culverts line up like jumps and stairways like downhill stutters.  I think Bob sees the world in Penton!  Keep it up and running buddy! [8D]



Mr. Rob Wardlow:

 As CEO of "Penton Aire Products", we sought to warn you and others, about mixing "flubber" within your formulae, you did not take notice that we lost "Lester/Les" due to unfortunate circumstances!

 We do however feel, that there is a "Penton Fever" that is running "rampant" due to the activities surrounding the "RR"

 It is our wish at "Penton Aire Products" that we will not claim any responsibility due to mis-use of our original products.

In passing, our new CTO "Knowl" has been out testing our new product
in Utah. Faithfully dubbed "freedom"


Phoeneas "t-bone" Whoopee"
Thomas Brosius

Lew Mayer

that looks so nice out there, I might have to pay you a visit.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Lew..ain't it funny when an "old broken bottle" looks just like a "diamond ring"
Thomas Brosius