Octane Boosting

Started by Tim Senne, April 03, 2001, 08:45:33 PM

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Bringing this to the top again for JOHN DURRILL

Edited by - skipperclyde on 09/24/2001  5:27:16 PM

john durrill

Ok now i'm realy confused! Chuckle chuckle
Or maybe you folks just shine enough light on the subject to make me see things better.
every one seems to have a god point on this topic.
 The Engine in question was said in the rebuild manual to need 98 octane fuel. I was useing 100 low led and Golden Spector oil.The mix was 32 to 1. ( dont know the brand of Gas). I did rejet the Bike , I always do if i make a major change in the fuel oil mix.It ran fine. Sold the bike in 96 and its still running.
 So whats the answer? I may have been just lucky with the type oil , gas or both.
 (I'm showing my lack of education here)Larry whats CAM gas and where might I get it? Additives scare me and the idea of mixing a higher octane fuel to raise pump gas octane sounds more reasonable to me.
  If AV LL leans out the mix then it would make sense to rejet the bike for the fuel.
  If all AV LL is not the same then it could be dangerous to use it if you got another brand when you were out of town.
  If the specified octain rating for the 400 KTM/ Penton is not figured on the R + 2 method use on pump gas.What would the 98 figure translate too?
  With pistons hard to find these are important questions.
 at last count the 400 i did had over 100 tanks through it. ( I know because the man i sold it too called me . It wasent running right and he wanted some help. asked if he had cleaned the pipe . He said no and would do that and get back with me if it didnt work. Havent heard from him in 6 months.)
 Whats the answer then? Dont think any one hear is pulling someones leg. so different things have worked for different people.
 Hope this gets some answers , as I will learn a lot form this for sure. :>)
  John d.