Thanks Carl and Dave

Started by Paul Danik, February 04, 2007, 11:39:43 AM

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Paul Danik

I would like to openly thank Carl Cranke and Dave Duarte for being so giving of their time to attend the POG meeting at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum on Saturday.  These guys flew in from Oregan and California respectivly at their own expense to be with us.  The POG had offered to pick up their expenses but all they asked was for us to have a room for them, that was very gracious of them.
     I have had many attendees, both in person and by email, express how great it was to have these guys at the meeting and to hear about their experiances.  I am sure that those who attended will agree that this was a day not soon to be forgotten.

     Again, thank you Dave and Carl, and also thanks to all of you who helped to make this event happen and to those whom attended. It was a very special day in the life of the POG.


Doug Wilford

Also a thanks to Paul for his time and work to again, making Penton Day at the AMA a great time.

Randy Kirkbride

I sure had a great time. This had to be the biggest one yet. Does anyone know what the final head count was? Great stories!

Paul Danik


  The museum usually rents 50 chairs for the meeting, I had asked Mark to up the rental to 75 chairs which he did. We also borrowed about 20 chairs from other areas in the musuem when we set up. Yesterday I looked around and all of the chairs appeared to be filled and there were still folks standing in the halls and at the rear, plus some were sitting on the diplay platforms, so all in all I think we easily had 100 folks. If everyone signed the sign up book we would know for sure, but not everyone may have signed in.

   Thanks to Young Ted and Connie for taking care of sign in, it was great to see them and as always they kept busy.


Lew Mayer

Great time! Good friends and good stories about Pentons are a sure way to beat the winter blahs. Great to see everyone and thanks to all who contributed to make the meeting a success.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Bob Gilman

I would also like to say Thanks to Carl and Dave.  Especially Carl, I didn't know he was such a character.
I remember him in 1974 when we met at the airport to go to Italy for the 6 day.  He had his tool box and a pony tail !! His pony tail is gone, but he's still got that same spirit.

This was the best meeting I've ever attended at the AMA.
As always, it's great seeing everyone.


Mike Stephenson

Saturday was my first POG meeting - I signed up as a member then as well.  I totally enjoyed it!  The benchracing with Carl, Jack, Dane, Dave John etc, was a blast to listen to!   When I got home, I rambled on and on to my wife and kids relating some of the stories told.  Good news is at least my 14 and 16 yr old sons both seemed to appreciate it all! :) (even my wife did I think)

Absolutely well worth 800 plus miles (round trip) of road trip.  I look forward to meeting more of you in the future.  Thanks again to POG, Carl, Dave and everyone that helps make these things happen.

Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!
Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!


As a first time attendee, I want to add my thanks to everyone that made a great day possible. I truly enjoyed the entire day, including my first visit to the Hall of Fame Museum. Don't apologize for the cramped meeting quarters; that just adds to the personal feeling. Just be proud that there were enough folks to fill the space. Thanks again to Paul and everyone invloved. My 800 mile drive was certainly worth it.

Nelson Lingle
73 Jackpiner
71 DKW 125
Nelson Lingle
73 Jackpiner
74 Jackpiner
71 DKW 125

Jeff D

For another dose of Carl and Dave, come to the ISDT Reunion Ride this fall.  Carl has become a regular there, and Dave has promised to try to make it this will be his first Reunion!  Carl usually comes with Fred Cameron and the two of them ought to be a standup comedy team.  Hanging out with them is one of the highlights of my weekend there!  Can't wait!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Paul Danik

As with any yearly program the question always comes up as to what will we do for next year?  Next year will mark the 40 year anniversary of the Penton motorcycle. On March 7th 1968, the first 10 Penton motorcycles arrived in Ohio, having been shipped by airfreight.

    Plans are already in the works to have some very special guests on hand for this milestone event.  Hopefully we can bring more Steel Tank Pentons to this event than have ever been seen together at one time, along with a number of the folks who made it happen and also some of the folks who became famous as Penton racers in the early days.



Information for all--There was 76 signatures in the sign-in book so there must have been several who bypassed it.  They came from 17 different states.  I also want to thank Dave and Carl for their participation and for coming so far.  It was great to see the guys that I usually see at Mid-Ohio such as Richard Sanders, Bob Gilman, Bob Andersohn, Kip Kern, Forest Stahl and all the rest.  Am thankful that Ted DelSolar has recuperated enough to be out in the cold and much "Thanks to Chris and Tommy Garrett for their hospitality.  Al B.