Webmaster needed

Started by Doug Wilford, October 13, 2001, 10:52:31 PM

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Doug Wilford

The Penton Owners Group has made this site available for all to use.  We would like to make this site more unique, fun, more interesting, educational and keep the news and current items up to date.   To do this we are asking for a volunteer, someone who is interested in making this one of the most dynamic of all sites, specially motorcyle sites.


john durrill

Doug ,
Can you tell me something about the software we are useing on POG? I know HTML is the main vehicle but we could also have some thing call flash and quite a few other programs in use.
I can ask my son,he is a POG member ( pitter).
he works as a senior tec for a CO. in online computer help and has been working with HTML and some other programs.
Let me know and ill ask him about the webmaster.
John D.



JUST A SUGGESTION: Perhaps a few new sections to cagtegorize more appropriately, such as by engine displacement or year? Also a section for VMX (or is that covered through the main menu?

Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at //www.delphi.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at //www.delphi.com/grandpaul
Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/grandpaul

Doug Wilford

John & Grandpaul  First I want to thank John in helping out,your son may just the person we need.   The site is set up using Front Page.   We have had a registry in the plans for a year or so. There are many ways this can be set up Year, Size, Model, Owner, Member number, then broke into Years by serial number.  But First we need a person to do this.   Larrys news is way more up to date than our site, for now!!! Thanks Larry.