Engine exchange?

Started by wade195, February 27, 2007, 08:54:33 PM

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While sorting through through my engines for my 74 Sixdays project a thought came to me of an exchange engine program. I seached through the archives here and did not find the question asked so I decided to post it. If I missed it I am sorry. Is there such a thing for these Sachs engines? I can imagine all the headaches that could happen. Parts,cores,updates that have been made ect. Just a thought.

Thanks to all that have helped me out.

Doug Wade
Lavergne Tn


Just what exactly is the question? Are you talking trading a "need of rebuild" one for a unit thats ready to bolt in? Or the smaller parts?


I was asking if there was a complete engine exchange program. Or could be. I know. Silly question.

Doug Wade


Not at all, makes sense. Practical?? Possible?? It would be nice to do that, or trade a rebuildable crank for an already rebuilt one. Or be able to trade cylinders the same way. Finding people who are willing and able is a different idea.
I was talking to another member about putting together a system of people to get bikes from point A to point B at a reasonable cost. But getting everybody to the same area at the same time could be problematic. Although it has been done successfully on a limited basis.
Anyone else wanting to chime in, feel free.