Flywheel timing marks Bosch 1971

Started by t20sl, February 25, 2007, 06:28:33 PM

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Has anyone ever run into flywheels with no timing marks on the Bosch points ignitions?

Doug Wilford

Replacement Flywheels that were not used in production sometimes were not marked.



Set the timing with a dial indicator and then set up some marks of your own. Then you know it's spot on.[^]

john durrill

If you have never done this before maybe this will be helpfull
To find TDC you need to make a mark with a felt pen at some measurement before the dial indicator shows TDC. Use some thing Like.020 . Then go through TDC and make another mark at .020 after TDC indicated. Half way inbetween is TDC. The flywheel will rotate  some after you first see the needle stop . Enought to throw off you second mark for firing.
Hope this is some help,
John D.