Victor Monz needs your prayers

Started by Marc Biro, March 27, 2007, 02:27:03 PM

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Lloyd Boland

Victor, how are you feeling?  Good enough for Glen Helen this weekend?  Hope to see you there.  I'm bringing the old faithfuls, CZs for vintage and the MC5 for Evo1.  How about the Nationals on the 22nd at Competitive Edge?


I raced at Barona Oaks last home for CALVMX. The track was fast and I rode the Ironman on my, sorry to say, 1980 RM 125..I rode like I did when I was a youngster...everything seemed on !

However...Sunday and Monday I was very sore, but smiling ear to ear.

I intend to be at Glen Helen Sunday with my 72 White Six Day and my 2006 Husky CR 125.  2 different worlds.

Thanks all for the does work.  My health is good today and racing puts me in a good place mentally and spiritually !

Especially with all the friends I have been blessed with.



Big Mac

Victor, good to hear you're back in action and feeling good.

CalVMX is now at Barona Oaks? No longer running up near Palomar?

Are you guys running all of the main track, or running around the big obstacles? Do they let you use any of the mini track? Just curious...I grew up about 5 miles West of there and used to stand by the highway as a kid, just to watch the trucks go by with bikes in the back. My mom and much family still lives just west of Barona. May need to solg a boke down that way and ride an event when I'm down visiting that way sometime.

Keep up the therapy!

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR

Lloyd Boland

Palomar was the famous Carlsbad tract.  Track closed about a 1-1 1/2 years ago and new construction on the site is now underway.  CalVMX was using Cahuilla Creek and Amago, but I understand both places stopped allowing vintage, not sure why.  I believe CalVMX is now using Barona Oaks.



CALVMX was using Amago as its Home track the last couple the SR 76 on the La Jolla Indian Reservation, near Palomar.  The second race of the year was cancelled and the revised Home Track is now Baraona Oaks just east of Ramona, CA.

We used the whole track, with the sharp jumps cut a bit...very long track and fast.  The start is a 6 gear WFO to a hairpin then a double jump.  The line starting line had 20 to 30 bikes and it was like the good old days....get there first!  My Penton always gets great starts (adjusted correctly, line Dane says, guaranteed to NOT miss a shift, I never remember missing shifts back in Lorain in the 70's, probably cause one of the R & D guys tuned my motors) and I go into the hairpin with both legs out to the side...just to "help" the other guys a little !!!

Lots of fun!
