
Started by brokenb23, July 05, 2007, 10:12:11 PM

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Help, gotta love that magnesium. I am in need of several sticks of magnesium welding rod. None locally.
Bob Brizzee

G Ellis

Bob I can weld your Magnesium for you. Good luck finding a few sticks of welding rod. I had to buy two pounds of the stuff. Nobody would sell me any less. Hold onto your wallet when you go buy some. Magnesium is tricky to weld, it has a flash point to it. Later Gary


Gary, I heard it was expensive. Please email at [email protected] with your phone number and time to call.


..........Bob,if you know how to weld aluminum you can weld magneseium it takes less current is about the only difference,the only "flash point"(sorry Gary) is if the chips and dust from preperation are present and get ignited setting the parent part for the wire how much do you think you need?
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


OK, I am trying to repair the pinch bolt area on a set of 78 Zoke lower legs. We have an excellent welder here in Tucson. But cannot find the right rod. So I am trying find/purchase enough rod to do repair. Maybe 2 sticks of rod. Wire I am not sure of. The welder says we cannot use the mixed rod/wire.

Kip Kern

Talk to someone certified to weld aircraft, they do Mag repairs all the time.  Won't have to buy anything just pay a bit to have the services done proper.;)


...........99.99% of cast magnesium is wrought,the proper wire does not pose a real issue,give me a PM where to send it and we'll fix up you forks..............
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


I have seen a few pair of Zokes break near the axle mounting point.  Personally I would think if they break after never being welded how strong are they going to be after the welding?  With aluminum the weld zone is usually much softer after welding but not sure about magnesium.


Agree with erring on cautions side, get a dye penetrant inspection or a fluorescent particle after welding and clean up, to show up any undercut that can cause new cracks to form..




I have some extra Zoke sliders from KTMs of that era. I believe all are 35mm. I have found it easier and cheaper to replace rather repair these cracked sliders, much safer too! Contact me with the measurements and I'll see what I can find. Mark 828-371-7582