Just wasting time......

Started by Mick Milakovic, November 27, 2007, 02:22:35 PM

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Mick Milakovic

I probably visit the POG site more than any other site on the internet, except for eBay and that's another story, but today I just started looking at all our members and wondered something:  who was the first to join the webgroup and when?  I did a quick scroll, and saw that Admin, obviously, was the first on 6/28/2000, and then came "Gooey" and KTMKirk on 10/4/2000.  Why was there a big gap in registering and how was the word spread?  Anybody remember?  Not that it's important, I'm just wasting time! [}:)]


Doug Wilford

All questions are good questions:   Jack Penton mentioned at a POG meeting(1999),that one of his KTM dealers (Hole Shot in Akron)had a web site that was set up and taken care of by his sister and brother in law "D&s Web Pages". Jack was asked to look into it and that was the start of the Pentonusa.org site.  Wanting to expand our site the board could see that we needed a webmaster.  Bill Smith volunteered (he and Karen are still our webmasters) but, they wanted to use the provider that they were familiar with.  Which I think caused the gap in registrations.   The change over was very time consuming, but well worth it.
Have Fun!