365 Days Ago

Started by deek, July 08, 2007, 05:35:27 PM

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Hi Everyone

First I would like to apologize, for not posting a response to Tom Green's posting 7/27/06 and staying off the forum all this time,  I thank all of you that responded, with your
well wishes  prayers and cards, and contribution's too the benevolent fund set up in my (Dale Walter)name and indeed very useful. My Wife,   daughter's family and I thank all you very very much, "God Bless You Poggers".

My recovery is very slow, as Ron Carbaugh mentioned, muscle mass loss is very rapid. I'm still going to therapy, it'll probably go for another year, so they say. I'm at 50% muscle recovery, able to use a walker somewhat, but have to rely on my arms too much, The back muscles aren't quite up to par as well as the (hip muscles) abductors.
No function in the calf or ankles as yet, but hoping they will come back as well as bladder and bowel movement. Severe burning pain in the rear that the doctors can't prescribe any pain (12 tries so far) medication to relieve it, during my waking hours, yet it subsides during my sleeping hours, go figure modern medicine. Still going to work every day, glad I'm semi retired and only work 4.5 hours a day, the wheel chair sure is confining as some of you know. I'm not giving up by far, I still have faith, that I'll be on my feet again some day.  

Again I, the wife and family thank all of you very very much.

God Bless

Dale Walter
AKA Deek


  You are in my Prayers and thanks for updating us.  You are my Hero for getting as far as you have....it is called great attitude and a desire to get back what you can.  I like you have tremendous Family and Friends that stood by me then and now.  Keep in touch because it is important the we, your Friends, know how you are doing.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Big Mac

Dale, Very good to hear from you and to get an update on your slow and hopefully steady improvements. The guys around the PacNW events still ask about you and how you're doing. It's hard to believe it was a just year ago that we had Jim Pomeroy riding in a Dale-fund moto at Burnt Ridge WA, just a couple weeks after your accident.

We're all pulling for you and want to hear from you. I know you're not one to want to rehash the "What-Happened" over and over or be the center of attention, but your experience, know-how and history with old bikes is invaluable and you're needed here. Plus you're in the thoughts of friends who've shared experiences...so don't be shy about dropping a line, or come out to an event if you get the chance and your wife will allow. Keep in touch!

Your '03 Desert 100 compatriot (what a gas that was),

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR