30 More Days

Started by Kip Kern, June 26, 2007, 06:59:13 AM

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Mick Milakovic

Hey Lew, all I know is they charged my account, so I'm going!  (We got signed up late, too)



hey bob w, sorry i didn't see that question sooner. i would have said to call the nat'l office. if you haven't already i would still do it to make sure that they got it and have you registered.  chi jer

Randy Lamp

I will be there on Saturday to pick up my Jackpiner wheel that you built for me and to VMX my 250 cc Penton with a Jackpiner blue fuel tank. (I just like the color) Really looking forward to it but there might be some pre race jitters. It has been so long since I have raced a bike ,I forgot what they feel like. Could be indegestion.

Randy Lamp