POG Activities At VMD

Started by Paul Danik, July 19, 2007, 12:52:34 PM

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Paul Danik

Listed below are some of the activities that will be happening at Pentonville during VMD.  Be sure to make Pentonville your home away from home while at VMD.

     The Saturday evening dinner prepared by Chef Dale Buehner and his staff will begin at 5 pm.

     The annual POG meeting will take place after the dinner.

     The Penton Players will be entertaining us with some Blue Grass music during the evening, these gentlemen are all very talented musicians and I do believe that we are in for quite a treat, word has it that Al Born may join in with the Penton Players for a few tunes on his harmonica.

    As darkness closes in on Friday and Saturday evening the portable, POG Drive In Theater, will be showing some classic motorcycle flicks. Be sure to bring your chairs and popcorn.

     The hot off the press hardback, 40th Anniversary Commemorative Edition of the John Penton and the Off-Road Motorcycle Revolution
book, will be available at the POG tent.




Can't wait, Rosemary and I look forward to the POG dinner/evening as the main event at "Mud" Ohio every year. Unfortunately we are usually late to it due to AHRMA racing during Saturday. Is there any chance we could start the POG dinner at 6 instead of 5? My son Alex and his girlfriend and an cousin will be there with us. Can't wait!!!!


Paul Danik


   I just talked with Dale Buehner and he said to assure you that there will still be hot food for you guys when you arrive at 6.


Paul Danik

More food info from Chef Dale Buehner.    

    Any of you POG members who are making your first trip to VMD, Dale Buehner asked me to let you know that he makes a light lunch on Friday and Saturday that is ready starting at 11:30, he also puts together a light dinner on Friday starting at 4:30. You regulars know the routine, the lunches and dinners are a great time to socialize with your fellow POG members at the POG tent located in Pentonville.


Lew Mayer

Paul, I know they don't read this site, so please make Al and Dale aware of how much we appreciate their efforts. I will when I see them.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Paul Danik


   Good point, and will do.

   Dale is always quick to thank all you folks who help each year with the serving and preparing of the meals, and also the sponsors who help defray some of the costs.  He was saying yesterday that this all could not be done without all of the help that he recieves for you POG members.

    The tent goes up today so it won't be long now....
