the monster lives

Started by chicagojerry, July 24, 2007, 10:32:28 AM

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i got the 400 mint ready for 500 sportsman exp class at VMD. todd morain, a gncc rider who rides for ktm will be the pilot. he won it two years ago in one of the most exciting races of the day.  he will probably ride it at portland too.
its a monster. holeshot city for certain but a lot of motor for 7" and 4".
[8D]   looking forward to seeing everyone



Be sure to bring your "Pink" Teddy.
See you there.
Tom B


teddy, i know better than to drag race your 400. reeds,big carbs and cylinder grinding help make that beast of yours really fly. i've ridden it and i remember it well. see ya this weekend..    chi jer