Black Coal Natl. CC - Evansville 2007 Recap

Started by Ernie Phillips, September 05, 2007, 02:05:52 PM

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Ernie Phillips

Dusty, Fast & Fun!  The course was very dusty due to the lack of rain.  The course was fast due to a long stretch on a paved access road plus several long patches of grass.  And the whole deal was fun ... nice facilities, good camping, cool nights, plenty of shade, well organized, friendly folks.

Saturday:  With the extreme dry conditions and all the dust, getting a good start was going to be very important.  Although I don't like loosing time starting the bike with my right leg , then having to jump on and put it in gear, it is the best way for me to do it.   At the drop of the flag, my bike fired right up!  Amazed and excited that the motor was running, I wildly swung my leg over the seat with such force that it kept going, pulling me and the bike into the adjacent rider.  He was as surprised as I was.  He was able to maneuver around my handlebar and took off.  As he pulled away I continued to fall and hit the ground.  I killed the engine.  That is about the dumbest thing I have ever done on a bike!  A good start foiled again.  I restarted in last place, a recurring theme this year.

I had clear sailing for a while.  When I did catch up, passing was difficult due to limited visibility in much of the course, especially through the woods and around the soy bean field.  At times, you could only see the helmet of the rider just ahead of you - everything else was a cloud of dust.  If the rider disappeared you had better slow down.  He either fell or dropped off into a ditch, gully ... best to back off.

One of the neat things about this course is that when you hit the open grass sections, you can look around and see your fellow riders, those behind and those ahead.  By midpoint of the 2nd lap I had my competition (Richard D. – '66 Bultaco 250) in sight.  I noticed him looking back.  Was he worried?  I could close the gap in the faster sections but he seems to pull out a little in the tight woods sections.  By lap 3, I'm within striking distance and suddenly he pulls off the course.  I later find out he had gearbox, clutch and carb problems.  Funny how a "Penton Attach" brings out the hidden woes.    By lap 4, I notice a bike closing behind me ...  it is #44u.  That is my kid!  I'm thinking, 'What is he doing?  Doesn't he know that he is a Novice and not supposed to ride so fast."   I wave my arms for him to slow down.  He keeps charging.  I stop in a corner and try to yell out instructions to "Slow Down."  He misinterprets thinking I'm telling him to go faster.  He  blasts off and achieves his fastest lap and beats my best time by 10 seconds.  Lap 5 he slows and we ride together to the finish at lap 6.  I get 1st by default.  Christopher is 1st Classic Novice.

Later that day Corky (rider grading member) comments how fast Christopher is riding and says something like, "... a true Novice should not be passing me."   I said I was pleased with Christopher's progress but insisted that he really is a Novice, this being only his 2nd CC event.

Sunday:   As we are getting ready, Teddy L (rider grading member) strolls over and comments on Christopher's speed and gives him the opportunity and encouragement to move up to Intermediate.  Before Christopher can answer, I plead his case ... "Yeah, he had a good day yesterday but he has a fast bike, he is too young to know to slow down in dusty and dangerous conditions ... he is still wet behind his ears."  Teddy listens and says okay, but says he is going to look at yesterday's times.  Well, I already knew what the times looked like – fast.  Christopher and I talk it over and agree to move him up to Intermediate.  (The reason I wanted to keep Christopher in Novice was that the Lillian Swamp Trophy Team for ISDT-RR at New Blaine was set; B. Kirby – Classic Expert, E. Phillips – Classic Intermediate, C. Phillips – Classic Novice all on CMF 125 Pentons.   Now we have 2 Intermediates racing in the same class – not good for team points).

Sunday's course was the same as Saturday just run in opposite directions.  There were about 10 Intermediates lined up, Christopher and I were the only riders in Classic.  I decide to sit on the bike and start it with my left leg and avoid yesterday's fiasco.  At the drop of the flag, I get away in #2 position, exit the Rodeo arena MX section in #2 and hit the pavement ... then ... zoom, zoom, zoom ... rider after rider after rider pass.  My little 125-5A with 13/60 gearing runs out of steam too quick, but I am able to enter the first grass section (dust) ahead of Christopher and that is what is important.  Right?   By lap 2 I've been able to pass 3 riders and thus build up a 3 rider dust cushion over Christopher.  The young gun on the hot bike will have to work to pass his ol' dad!  A little ways into lap 3 my bike begins to feel a little squirrely   Turns out my rear tire had lost  pneumatic integrity.  My day is over.  As I cut across the course I do get to see Lew Mayer (33B) and Christopher duke it out.  Christopher pushes Lew the whole way and is able to pass at the very end.  Fun to watch and nice gesture from Lew coming over and congratulating Christopher on a good ride after the race.   At the trophy presentation, Christopher gets 1st and "Christopher's Dad" gets 2nd. Many thanks to the Black Coal Enduro club / workers, AHRMA CC crew, and all the racers who came.  We'll be back next year.      

Lew leading Christopher in Rodeo Arena MX Section

Teddy's Penton chased by Yamaha
Christopher - The newest Intermediate

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


It sure was a fun weekend of racing. FAST course, I was pinned in 6th on at least two or three of the straight sections. A little rain would have been appreciated, it was dusty!!! An incentive to get out in front!!!
