Help, six day 125

Started by backkraker, September 03, 2007, 10:12:56 PM

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Newbie here, love this site and just purchased a 1973 penton six day 125(motocross model?) small tank, it has no lights.  I would like to buy a toaster tank, any leads would be appreciated. What  year(s) tank can I buy? Also I need to repaint and wondered if anyone out there has a paint type/number? (green). I purchased the bike off ebay about 3-4 weeks ago.
     Last thing, is there an after market light kit for these bikes and eletronic ignition?

         Thanks Joe


H Joe,
I have a 73 also. If you look down this page a bit you'll see a thread "finally done", thats mine.
The paint I used is a PPG color, listed as Green WE-5768. I used a single stage urethane.
I'm sure the others will check-in, but I don't know what you mean by "toaster tank" (Hodaka comes to mind )?
You'll find the lighting stuff on ebay eventually.
I have a PVL ignition on my bike. My Moto-Plat was dead when I first tried to fire the bike. I don't believe the PVL  will power lights though. Mines an MX'er, so it wasn't an issue for me.
Good Luck, RonW


I have a number of "toaster " tanks from excellent to medeocare...and am willing to deal with you, if the mx tank is still available.

Please e-mail me at   [email protected]


Victor Monz


Welcome aboard. Tell us about your Penton. What kind of shape is it in? Does it run? The MX tank you speak of is it made of aluminum? There should be alot of toaster tanks (yes you got the term right)out there so choose a good one.

Have fun!!

Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)


Rod, my penton is in beautiful shape, engine was built by a penton guru out in Califorina his name escapes me now. The air box side number plate had to be replace and needs new paint. There is a small bubble of paint down by the right petcock. And the clutch seems to be fully adjusted to the end. Unless there is another clutch adjustment other than the clutch lever????? :-)It runs very strong and takes about 5-8 kicks to start it then takes a few minutes to warm it up  working the throttle back and forth. Wondering if it may have a slight intake leak??? The tank is made out of fiberglass. How much should we pay for a good tank? what to look for? weaknesses?
    Victor, I dont have a MX tank for sale just would like to buy an excellent toaster tank.  Please send me some prices for a very good condition toaster tank. Thanks for info Ron, will read thread   BYE



I kind of "hoard" my tanks...but need an mx tank to finish a project.  I may have a toaster pop canned gold/yellow for a 250 and may need a little glass work.

email me [email protected] and I will send pictures..they paint up nice with the right paint and clear coat, at least that's been my experience.

Enjoy the group....these guys and gals are the best !
