Portland and the Penton Brothers

Started by tlanders, August 27, 2007, 12:12:58 PM

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It was such an honor to have Jack and Jeff at the races yesterday. When given the opportunity to ride around the track behind Jack and Jeff during the parade lap, an awful lot of guys came out to do it, just to say they were on the same track with them!!! What gentlemen they are. They didn't complete the lap and stopped their bikes just so we could say that we passed them on a race track. Also, the trophies had a GREAT picture of Jack stuck in the mud somewhere during an enduro back in the day. It was especially wonderful to be awarded the trophy by Jack and Jeff. Lots of pictures were taken, can't wait to see them show up in "Keeping Track" and Vintage Views.

Rosemary and I had the best weekend. It started out with a 92.5 hour work week for me the week before, the RV breaking down on the trip to Portland and spending 5 hours in a truck repair shop on Friday, getting to bed at 1:00 AM Saturday morning and getting 5 hours sleep to get up at 6:00 in time to help with registration for the Cross Country races. But Jack and Jeff made it ALL worth while. They are wonderful guys.




From some of the amazing stories of your past exploits you have shared with us, it sounds as though that was a "typical" racing weekend for you, yes?

Jeff D

I'm glad Jeff is easing back into the motorcycling scene.  Although somewhat overshadowed by older brother Tom's earlier entry into the Six Days scene and younger brother Jack's natural abilities, Jeff was consistently at the top of the pack whenever he was astride a motorcycle.  It was a treat to meet all three of the Penton "boys" at the 2003 Reunion Ride, and it would be great to have the team show up again.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

kevin k

Teddy,  After the torrential rains on Friday evening I thought we all were going to be "Stuck in the Mud".
I just missed a tornado by 5 minutes and 3 mi on the way up there.
It was amazing how well the track drained off. The efforts of the Portland Trail Riders was truely impressive in re-routing early in the weekend.Both Saturdays and Sundays races turned out Great.
 The parade lap  with the Penton Brothers and Penton only  race on Sunday was  a great Time.

Kevin Kline

rob w

That may have been one of the most fun and enjoyable days of moto-cross'n I've ever had.
 I can't tell you how great it was to have Jeff, and Jack there. They really made it a special day for many people, myself included.
 I'd like to thank Jeff and Jack Penton so much for taking the time, making the trip, and sharing their day with us. It was a wonderfully fun day of racing, that I'll never forget.

More later..
Bob Wardlow




The parade lap was even more special because Jack rode my tried and true Piner. He asked if I had a bike to ride and I said for sure - the Piner. Then I went to start it up for him and it was locked up with gas - I had forgotten to turn off the gas!!! Jack left looking around for another ride. Peter Petrick helped me turn the bike upside down and drain the gas out with the plug out, holding the kill button and stroking the kick starter by hand. Turned it right side up, put in the plug, and with a little pushing, it started right up. I then rode around to find Jack and presented the bike to him. I was sure proud to have him ride my Piner for the parade lap. I hated the Penton only race because I couldn't catch you!!!!

Ohio Ted,

Unfortunately it is too typical. Juggling my job with racing causes many crazy times. I am right now in Eugene, Oregon at a job. Worked 'til 10:00PM last night and I just got in now around 11:00PM. I get up at 4:00AM to fly to Toledo tomorrow morning (6:00 AM flight), get in tomorrow evening and Friday morning leave with Rosemary in "Homer" (our RV) with the trailer load of Pentons for Evansville for the weekend of cross country racing. Rosemary has been visiting her sister and mom in Toledo. Next week I will be in Nebraska and the following I will be in California!!!! I would like to make it to Sandia for the AHRMA national weekend there in between. Haven't figured out how to get that done yet. Anyone going to Sandia that can loan me a couple bikes (Pentons)?
