Little Burr Vintage Enduro

Started by p3mn256, August 20, 2007, 08:25:48 PM

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only 2 1/2 weeks til the little burr vintage enduro. we've got alot of the past winners coming for their special awards after the vintage enduro.  should be a special weekend. hope to see you there.

steve barber
steve barber

dennis brown

steve. could you put out info about sigh up.where start is all info about the enduro, we are sure looking forward to it

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


//  is our web site.  sat. sept 8 2007   the event will be at the vinton county jr. fairgrounds in mcarthur ohio .  on state route 93 1 mile north of  state route 50 and mcarthur, ohio.   key time 10:00 am, sign up starts at 7:00am , $30.entry fee.  60 ground miles ,1 gas stop. no gas truck. no computers. or electronic odo's. we have many of the past overall champions coming down for a special awards after the vintage enduro. this will be a fun rideable enduro , laid out for old guys on old bikes . the trails are very nice. any other questions  fell free to call me at 614 891 1369 home   thanks steve

steve barber
steve barber

Gary Roach

Count me in! I just finished putting lights on the bike this evening. I talked to Jack Penton today, and he's riding too.

Steve Barber and the Enduro Riders Club always put on a good events. I rode their 2-Day ISDE Qualifier a few months ago, and it was some of the best riding I've seen in years. I think the Vintage Enduro is going to be on some of the trails that only get used in the club's National Dual Sport, so they ought to be perfect for our old bikes.


dennis brown

i was lucky enough to ride the little burr vintage enduro this week end. a real vintage event it was good to see a good turn out i did not see many penton owners there more huskys than any other.the enduro had great trails. a lot of fun gary roach did a great ride.lets talk steve barber into another next year.

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown

Gary Roach

Here's a story and some photos of the event on the AMA website:

I would like to thank Steve Barber and the Enduro Riders Association club for putting on such a great event. Fun, easy trails, no hills, and no big mud holes...except for the one that former Little Burr winner Vic Ely stuck his Triumph in. I didn't use an odometer, just my watch and a route sheet, and I zeroed every check! OK, I have to admit most of that was pure luck. I still lost the Overall by 10 seconds on the Emergency Tie Breaker checks. Long time friend and fellow Ohio enduro rider Gary Spencer won the Overall on his Husky. Former National Enduro Champion Terry Cunningham was there on a Husky Auto, but he hit 2 of the checks early and took himself out of contention for the Overall. Dennis Brown was correct, there were deffinently more Huskys that any other brand. Jack Penton rode his '77 250 GS6, but broke the throttle cable just before the gas stop.

Several of the former Little Burr winners were on hand. They gave special awards out to the previous winners, and a few of the guys either told stories,(and most were John Penton stories), or had someone they wanted to thank. Terry Cunningham was very entertaining. He told his story of how he got to see John Penton race at the Little Burr, when John was the only finisher, and of an article he read in a magazine on Jack Penton, and those were the reasons he got into racing motorcycles. He said, "I carried that opened magazine in to my Mom and Dad, and said, "This is what I want to do."

I wish you could have seen what went on at the gas stop! Cameras everywhere! Jack and I rode together, so John rode with my wife, Toni, to the gas stop. When she got there, most of the vehicles were on a side gravel road to the left, but she noticed a little shaded area to the right, so she pulled in there. There was room for one more vehicle, so Terry Cunningham's wife pulled in next to her. She said that they got there about an hour before we were due to arrive, and from the time that they got out of the vehicle, there was a constant stream of people coming and going, just to get John's autograph, or to get a picture taken with him, or just to tell a story. She said that there were people stopping in the middle of the road and just leaving their vehicle sit there while they talked to John. When I pulled up to the gas, there were no less than 20 people standing around. I almost rode past my own vehicle because I couldn't see it! Toni had to flag me down. And until Terry had pulled up to gas, I hadn't noticed how many of those people had cameras with them. They were everywhere! And the same thing happened when Jack arrived with his broken throttle cable. And also the same when Vic Ely stopped to talk to Terry. After I left, Toni said that they were there for almost another hour because of people still wanting to see and meet John. She said that what went on at that gas stop was very special to a lot of people, including John. He was shaking his head and still doesn't understand why people want to meet him so bad.

This event also had to feel special to both Vic and Terry. When do you think was the last time either one of those riders had someone standing in line to get their autographs? I could tell it had been a long time for Vic because, until I found him a Sharpie, he was trying to use a wide magic marker to sign T-shirts. Thanks again to the Enduro Riders for the fun event.

John, Terry, and Jack

Vic Ely

Jack, John, and Terry

Dennis Brown

Some of the previous winners:

Front row:
Terry Cunningham ('78, '82, '83, '84, '89, '91, '92), Jack Penton ('75), Vic Ely ('76), Brad Sells ('87)
Back row:
John Young ('66), John Penton ('58 '59, '61, '62, '67, '68, '71), Sox Brookhart ('63, '64), John Toth ('60), Bill Kain ('72), Buzz Whitlach ('73)

brian kirby

All I can say is WOW! I am glad to see those guys like Terry getting the attention they deserve.


'72 Six Day (on loan from Ernie P.)

dennis brown

i hope they do another event some time next year ,i any format they choise,any one that missed 2007 missed a good time,good trails it was a good vintage enduro.

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


put this date on your calendar  6/22/08   we are putting on a vintage friendly trail ride.  60 miles like last year, then lunch, then anothe r30 to 40 mile harder loop for those so inclined. hope to see you there  steve   enduro riders assoc.

steve barber
steve barber

Mick Milakovic

So Vic got his Triumph stuck?  With tires like those I would have gotten stuck on a gravel road!  Thanks for the pictures, Gary, they truely took me back in time. :)
