California wildfires

Started by Paul Danik, October 23, 2007, 07:19:11 AM

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Paul Danik

To any of you who are in the area of the wildfires, please know that we are with you in spirit. The news reports and pictures are unbelievable.  Hopefully the winds will die down and it will rain.
   Be careful and good luck.



My family and I live in Anaheim Hills which is about 20 miles north of the Santiago Canyon fire so safe from that. Our problem is heavy smoke in the air making it difficult for anyone with respitory issues to breath. The people down in San Diego are really getting hit hardest. Hopefully the winds will die down today and the firefighters will have a fair chance. It is wonderful to live in California but sometimes the bill does come due.

Lloyd Boland

I live in Moorpark.  On Sunday we had the MOorpark-Santa Rosa fire come within a couple hundred yards of the house.  Our house backs up to the hillside.  The fire department had 2 water dropping helicopters and 2 fixed wing planes dropping all day Sunday on the fire behind the house.  They kept it to a very small 30-40 acres, but when the fires are coming toward you, it does get a little scary.(Because it was so small compared to the other fires, it didn't get much news time, thank goodness.)  On Sunday, before the fires, we went to Glen Helen for a local vintage race, but the winds were so strong they cancelled the race.  Later that morning, there was a fire in Glen Helen and they had to evacuate the track.  As you have probably heard, probably 1000's of homes lost and up to 500,000 to 1 million people evacuated.  Our prayers go out to everyone effected.


Hello all. I am a volunteer with the American Red Cross and have been activated to go to Cal. to run a Bulk Distribution Supply system for those who are displaced and/or have lost thier homes. Unfortunatly, due to work and family I cannot respond this time. I am confident another volunteer will be there and do a fine job. My prayers and thoughts are with you all.  Hank

Hank Rinehart
Hank Rinehart


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your concern.  I have relatives and friends up in the Lake Arrowhead area and have a second home in the area as well so I've been keeping a close watch.  This whole deal is real bad news.  I'm just amazed that more homes were not lost.  I commend the firemen for their efforts fighting the fire as well as the way the evacuations were handled.  My only complaint, and it's a big one, is how the media manipulates everthing and scares the crap out of everyone just to make a buck.  It's beyond pathetic.