Back from the RR

Started by john durrill, October 30, 2007, 01:05:29 PM

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john durrill

The Tallahassee contingent,
Made it back last night. Many Thanks to Rick G. for all the help.
All year he has nudged ,cajoled and prodded us along with the RR as
the goal. Rick provided the transport and logistics for 6 of us,
including him ,to make the ride. The Admiral even made up sandwiches
to have on hand at the midday gas stop, for the bunch of us . Thats
pretty bad when the oldest in the group has more energy and foresight
than the rest of the guys in the group. Chuckle chuckle!!
I actually finished a RR thanks to help from a bunch of great people over the past year. I did look like a speared catfish out of control on trails and special tests but the Big red stripe that ADR gave me for my helmet gave the rest of the riders passing me, enough warning of the danger ahead that no one was injured !
Thanks Rick G. , Speedy ( with out that bearing I would have been a no show ) And a big Thank You to everyone who helped me out this last year.
 It was good to talk to Paul and Doug again. Had not seen you folks in 4 years. Got to watch Dane work a miracle on Scruffy just before impound.
Had 4 Pentons on the rows before and after mine. You folks were great to share the trail with.
 It was nice to try and put faces with the names in the group.
 It was my first time in the dirt in 4 years. Dont know if i will ever learn how to ride again chuckle chuckle.
Those who could have gone a didnt should try an make next years. It will be in Tulsa. Your missing a great time.
John D.


Hey John
Thanks for all the kind words and help while Dane worked on Scruffy.  I did take your advice and go easy on the old girl.  Scruffy worked better than she ever has.  Shifted great and the clutch transplant worked a dream.  I always find that one in trouble at the races will be inundated with help and information that will keep one going.  It's amazing that I took a clutch out of a roller that haden't been used in 30 years threw it in a bike and race it at full tilt for 2 days and finish.  Just goes to show you that the old Sachs parts are very durable.  It also helps that to have someone that knows the ins and outs about those engines.

Dane probebly hadn't worked on one of these is several years and still knew what to look for.  I wish I had a tape of the lesson because I have a couple of engines that i'm working on.  I almost forgot Dane did the work siting on the top side of the bike while I watched form the bottom side.  Thanks Dane I'll call you when I get back form Chile.
See Y'all
Okie aka Dane Marable

Have fun and the day will take care of it's self.
Have fun and the day will take care of it\\\'s self.