Started by Jack Penton, December 14, 2007, 07:21:50 PM

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Jack Penton

Ladies and Gentlemen I would urge you to with hold judgement of Mr. Dingman and the recent actions at the AMA until further details are made public.

Jack Penton

Lew Mayer

Fair enough, Jack. I hope I wasn't too hasty in stating my opinion.
I like to hear both sides.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Dwight Rudder

The question is will further details become public ?   He let Roger Ansel go because he disagreed with him.  No further details were disclosed.


I agree with Jack.  Having been hired into a company as a manager with many employess reporting to me whom had 10+ years senority, it is sometimes not the manager's fault.  People can feel slighted for many reasons and stop playing team ball. Ted

Jack Penton

Greg Harrison and Bill Wood had positions of power and authority within the AMA. They are not timid or week and can certainly defend themselves. Both are articulate and possess high levels of communication skills. As you and I, they have access to instant world wide communications.

It has been one week since some actions were taken concerning Mr. Harrison and Mr. Wood's employment. Where are their public statements?

I am not waiting for the AMA and Rob Dingman to explain those actions. I would be interested in hearing from Bill Wood and Greg Harrison.

Best regards,



I am an information kind of guy, so before I make decisions or opinions, I need as much information as is available. And in this situation, there is just not nearly enough information out there yet.

I will admit that I have concerns about many different things within the AMA at this time, so I'm definitely keeping my eyes and ears open.



Dane:  Here is Mr. Dingman's vision and that of the board I assume.  You have probably already read it but here it is for anyone else.


Just a short response as to why Greg or Bill have not responded and tried to defend themselves....

  I would guess that if they have or are considering retaining a attorney(s) for future actions that it is best for them to say nothing.  Just my opinion.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh