GNCC banquet

Started by Paul Danik, November 27, 2007, 10:57:11 PM

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Paul Danik

I had the pleasure of attending the GNCC awards banquet this past weekend with Gary and Toni Roach.  We were able to display a Steel Tank Penton in the banquet room area next to several modern KTMs supplied by KTM, one being the KTM that David Knight rode to win the GNCC Pro Class.  The Penton sure was an attention getter with not only the older folks but also with many of the younger riders.
     Even more important than the bike display was the quality of the young folks who are involved with the GNCC series. I wish the news reporters could have been on hand to hear the one young man explain that his Dad and Uncle decided to get him a dirt bike to get him away from the computer games,he got hooked on dirt riding and won his class in the series, it was one of many wonderful moments during the evening and one I will not soon forget.
     Our own Gary Roach is mentoring a fine young man by the name of Cory Buttrick who rides a KTM, Cory won the 200A class in his first year out of the youth classes which is quite a feat, Cory thanked Gary and Toni for their support and guidance when he accepted his award. Keep the name Cory Buttrick in mind, I think you will be hearing lots about this fine young man in the future. Cory rode at VMD this year on a Penton and he said he hopes to ride again next year. I think he rode one or more of Kent's bikes.
      My hat is off to all I have mentioned and also the Coombs family for allowing us to display the Penton, and more importantly for giving our young folks a place to ride and a series to compete in.

Mick Milakovic

I agree, Paul, this country has many fine youth.  A sudent at my school won his GNCC class racing quad B, then finished the season moving up and won the A class at the Ironman race in Crawfordsville, Indiana.  He is a quality kid that I have bench raced with many times.

There was an interesting article in Motocross Action last month, and it talked about how some people think today's young racers are spoiled, rude, and inconsiderate.  The author went on to say how, he too was rebellious of his parents and everything else that the "older generation" stood for, at the time.  Now, he says, when he sees the youth racers of today, he only sees himself the same way as a youngster.  We were all young once, and made our share of mistakes.  Our kids will be fine, and our country will grow with them.  Thanks for you time,



Gary Roach

Paul's Steel Tanker sure did get a lot of attention. The GNCC awards banquet was held in, of all places, MARS! (PA). The next morning, Paul picked us up at our Motel and gave Toni and I a tour of the surrounding area, which included the Danik farm and nursery. What a nice place. Paul showed us a hill that he used to push his bike up just to keep in shape. From the size of the hill, he must have been in great shape. And yes, there really is a spaceship and little green men in Mars!

But the real treat of the day was when Paul took us to see Jake Fischer. His old shop is unbelievable! When we entered the front door, it was like you stepped back in time to 30 years ago. I was speechless. There was so much there that my eyes and brain couldn't take it all in...and that was just in the showroom! All of his parts shelves were so organized that it was down right impressive. And it was really great to listen to Jake tell some of his old race stories.  

Thanks again, Paul

Gary and Toni