Berkshire tank decal question

Started by Paul Danik, December 09, 2007, 09:56:47 PM

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Paul Danik

Does anyone have a Steel Tank Penton Berkshire gas tank with a side decal that is in vertical text, and says PENTON above Berkshire 100cc, such as this      

Berkshire 100cc

We have several with  


and the other configurations that were used.

We are taking the photos for the Steel Tank Penton book, this tank is listed as existing but so far I have yet to find one in any of the parts books, literature, ect, ect, that I have searched through. The only place I have seen it is in an artists makeover of a 125cc tank in an early piece of Penton literature.  I would just like to know if this tank exists.

You can email me direct at   [email protected]  

Thanks for your help.

PS   It needs to be an original tank, that decal is available from a supplier, but an original unrestored tank with that decal is the proof we are looking for.

Kip Kern

Paul, I'll have to look, I should have.  Also, I have a almost new original Blue Steel Tank with "125 Six Day" on it, need it by chance?


  I will see if I have a picture of one.  I do not believe I still have one, as it was probably one I took a picture of or on a bike I sold or traded.  I will go through the pictures today.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


  I sent you a picture.  If you didn't get it let me know.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kip Kern


I checked all my red steel tanks and all have Berkshire with no displacement.  I do have the Blue Steel Tank if needed though!;)

Paul Danik


   I would like to get a picture of your tank showing that decal.  That blue tank with Six-Day 125cc underneath Penton is shown in a piece of early literature.  It is the piece with Jack on the cover, doing a wheelie on a steel tanker with a downpipe on it. I will email you about getting the picture.  Thanks also for checking your Berkshire tanks.


   Thanks for your picture, I sent you an email back about it.

Thanks again guys,