DVD in Fall "Still Keeeping Track"

Started by VICTOR MONZ, January 23, 2008, 08:11:00 AM

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I just have to mention my "warm and "fuzzy" feeling watching the DVD of the Penton History on DVD.  I see the region , JP giving a tour and I get a little teary eyed.  The Amherst area has so many memories for me I consider moving back.  That's until I speak with AL or Dale and they tell me of the Lake effect snow and 10 degrees....then So Cal, even though it's 70 in the day and 40 at night isn't too bad...maybe a summer visit to Ohio is in order.

Keep the DVD's coming....they're GREAT.

Victor Monz

Paul Danik


  Without Reb and Ted these DVD's wouldn't be happening, they have done an outstanding job of capturing a lot of Penton history. The next part of At Home With John Penton will be in the next issue of SKT.  The problem Reb and Ted always have is that it is nearly impossible to edit out anything from what they record as it is all  very interesting and helps to tell the Penton story.

  Sometimes we tend to think that famous folks somehow came about their glory easily, but these DVDs sure do dispel that notion about the Pentons. When Jack and BJ tell of how all of the kids slept in the attic of the old Penton homestead, and how the wind and snow would blow through the cracks at night, it sure showed where they all came from.



Thank you for the comments, Victor.  Wait 'till you get the subsequent dvd's in the upcoming Still Keeping Track issues.  That day just got better and more interesting as it went on.  There is much more, great commentary and personal recollections by the entire Penton "family".

Plus, JP, Jack, Dane, and Barbara provide a tour of the new (original) Penton Machine shop, then there is an actual and in-person look at one of the original Penton Cycleliners (with awesome stories, provided by Doug Wilford, Jack, and Dane - and featuring a special appearance by Jeff Penton!), as well as a driving tour of the the historic buildings which housed various Penton facilities, conducted by John Penton himself!  And, much more!  You're gonna love it!