Can't shift my Penton

Started by Paul B, April 17, 2008, 06:25:25 PM

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Paul B

i have aquired what I believe is an early Penton with a Sachs radial fin head 100 or 125 cc in excellent running condition, but I can't shift the tranny into any gear; is this a common problem with a simple fix or must I split the cases?
Also, the only ID on the bike is the frame number, V3329; can anyone tell me what year/model it was originally? All help and suggestions greatly appreciated.


Sounds like your shift pawl sring is broken or the selector rod has unscrewed from the selector key.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Merlin, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

Paul Danik


   First off, welcome to the Penton Owners Group website.  Great to have you aboard. Congratulations on getting a Steel Tank Penton, they are neat machines.

    If your gas tank is green it most likely is a 125 Six Day model, if it is red then most likely it is a 100 Berkshire. I say most likely as sometimes over the years these items get switched or the top ends get changed, the only way to tell the bore size for sure is to pull the head and take a look.

    Is there a serial number plate on top of your ignition cover on the right side of the engine, if so the engine size is listed, but keep in mind that those covers have been known to get switched over the years.

   As far as the shifting situation, there are many possibilities ranging from needing an adjustment to having a broken or wore out selector key, or one of the possibilities that Merlin has suggested above.

   If you send me an email @ [email protected] I will try to guide you through some testing of your transmission woes. In the mean time I would suggest that you buy a manual for your bike from one of the suppliers on the supplier page, Al Buehner usually has them.

Again welcome aboard,