Mid OhioXC

Started by 83husky250, July 27, 2008, 08:24:06 PM

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Last year at this time, I complained that ther was nothing for enduro riders at Mid Ohio.  Well, I'd like to tip my hat to anyone that had anything to do with the cross country event this year.  Even though I couldn't ride the event, wandering through the woods watching the riders was the highlight of the weekend for me.  Seeing Speedy Clausen ride his  250 Sachs was a special highlight.  Big kudos to Chicago jerry for the course layout.  I didn't see all of it, but what I did was super.  Even though the expert race was good, I took special enjoyment watching the novices.  That's what riding is all about--riding for the pure enjoyment--no matter what the skill or equipment.


Ditto to that.  The courese was great, the competitors were super and the entire event was a blast.  Thanks to all, and I hope we can continue with this event in future years.

Ernie Phillips

FANTASTIC!!!   Great job by Chicago Jerry & crew!  Thanks to all who make it happen-past, present & future.

Awards presentation was special too!  Class winners received signed copies of "John Penton" book courtesy of the POG


Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


i just got home from mid-ohio after attending the ahrma board meeting. thank you all for such kind words of encouragement during the the whole process of putting on the event.  i had two of my bikes win their respective classes in the vintage CC race. kevin outland won the 200 expert on my can-am 175 and todd morain won the sportsman 500 expert on my penton 400. :)
PS, ernie,that was a great race  between you and kevin O in the classic 125 vmx race. that was his maiden voyage on that bike and doug wilford did the motor and i pretty much did everything else. it has an little issue with the carb but not too shabby for the first time out.
[8D]    chi jer   (now i gotta go rest my leg)

Mick Milakovic

Jerry, my thanks also, not just for the course layout, but for the tow out of the woods!  My HS broke down due to my fault and not the bikes'.  At least I got the holeshot and was first into the woods:  all the spectators saw a Penton go fast and first, and not break down!




yeah had it not been for my dad's forgetfullness i wouldnt have been able to see the majority of the course. and i think it looked like a lot of fun. so thank you jerry for letting me tag along on your quad! it was a nice track!

Ambr Milakovic
"Black Beauty"
Ambr Milakovic
\\"Black Beauty\\"


Thank you all for coming and riding our CC at Mid Ohio. Jerry and Jim Kuhns did a yeoman, incredible job of laying it out for everybody to enjoy - including low pipe Elsinores. Jerry was still cutting logs out on the trail on Thursday afternoon to make the Premier bike and low pipe bike folks happy. It was awesome - if you didn't enter it, you missed it!!!!! We had a few guys get lost in the Post Vintage race after a kid (vandal) started taking down the ribbons that helped us see turns coming up. Most of us saw the arrows and stayed on track. Next year we will put up "X" signs on the path behind these places where there are ribbons to help riders if the ribbons are vandalized again.

It was super wonderful to have Jack and John blessing us with their presence for the rider's meeting and the awards ceremony. Over 180 riders with a separate Novice class race, biggest CC so far this year.

You could help our CC series if you would write (email) to Cindy Cowell, AHRMA Executive Director ( [email protected] ), Alex Moroz, AHRMA Off Road Director ( [email protected] ), Dave Janiec, AHRMA Board President ( [email protected] ), Corky Root ( [email protected] ), Dave Lamberth ( [email protected] ) and James Smith ( [email protected] ), AHRMA CC Rules Committee members and tell them how much you appreciated the separate novice race. The novice riders love not having to look over their shoulders all the time and the Intermediate and Expert riders love to not to have to wait to pass novice riders all the time. I have been having a hard time getting the separate novice race accepted by some of the folks above. When we mix them together, some of the Experts lap the Novices 4 times per race!!!!

Thanks for your help with this, see you at Barber and the Reunion ride????


PS I posted the results on the website last night - enjoy!!!! TL


I should have said the results are posted on the AHRMA website at http://www.moto-tally.com/AHRMA/Results.asp .



Hi All,
Kudos to all involved with making this happen and I have to agree that the first ever CC race at VMD was a huge success !! The trails were in fantastic shape, well marked and included a very nice mix of tight single track and some open areas to allow passing. The elevation changes were excellent also especially the big uphill section. Sign me up for next year !!!
Dave McCullough