Should it have said PENTON !

Started by Paul Danik, December 08, 2009, 10:10:39 PM

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Paul Danik

As with many bikes that we pick up a manual came along with Jackpiner #7-20354009, it is one of the green binders that has the three rings in it to hold the loose pages.  In looking over the information that was in the binder I noticed that on the fold out exploded view of the engine that is on the back of pages 26 and 27, the right side cover has PENTON and not KTM on it. When I got home I pulled out the other green binders that I have that contain Jackpiner information and they are all the same. The PENTON logo is in the Dismantling The Engine section of the manual, spare parts book 004 shows KTM on the cover.
     The story goes that the early proto model KTM engines actually had PENTON on the side cover and not KTM, apparently this was done to keep peace with John Penton, I imagine that piece ended when he saw machines with engines branded KTM...  Over the years we have seen a few pictures that show PENTON on the sidecover, but I personally have never seen one in person. When I saw the exploded view with PENTON on the cover it reminded me of this interesting bit of information.

   If any of you have any information about this topic please share it with us, I will try to find the picture that shows the Penton branded engine, if you have such a picture please let us know.  If you ever run across a sidecover with PENTON instead of KTM on it, I will be glad to trade you a "correct" one for it :)


Gary Roach

Paul Danik

Thanks Gary.

The bike pictured on page 108 of the KTM book written by Friedrich Ehn has what looks to be the same specially machined sidecover, looks like KTM is painted in the oval.  I will have to ask Matt about the sidecover that is drawn in the exploded view in the manual, I never noticed it before.


Gary Roach

Here are the photos from the KTM book that Paul mentioned. You can see several differences between the bike in the center of the photo compared to the one on the left.
