1971 Penton 125 Steel Tanker #V61XX Lives!

Started by clayman, December 27, 2008, 07:53:49 PM

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I took my Penton 125 steel tanker out for its maiden voyage today and everything worked well!:) It started on the second kick and was actually pretty potent for a 5/A motor! If anybody has a line on a complete stock exhaust pipe, please let me know. Mine has the end of the pipe cut away to expose a stinger and it's a little loud. A huge thank you goes out to all who helped me with either needed parts or labor: Kip Kern, Don Roth, John Durrill, Randy Kirkbride, Larry Good, Larry Reed & Britt Boyette....thanks again and Happy New Year!


john durrill

 Does the shroud need to be correct or would something close work for you till you found a stock pipe? Do you have the end cap for the pipe already?
John D.


Hi John,

Thank you for the reply. I hope you had a Merry Christmas! I don't have the end piece for the shroud, but I believe that Al B. has them. I'll probably keep an eye on eBay for a complete pipe, or hope that Kevin @ Circle F gets a cancellation on an order, and I can swoop in on it. He says he's currently backed up four months right now.

Happy New Year!

john durrill

 I found one site with a new re pop steel tanker pipe for sale. If you can live with a not correct one there is a way to fit something close on the pipe you have  with one of Als end caps and some tubing. You need to get some info from the folks that have a stock pipe but it would not be hard and the parts to do it would not be very expensive.
 We had a great Christmas
John D.