New Home Page Photo

Started by OhioTed, February 15, 2009, 09:53:12 AM

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Wow!  AWESOME photo on the Home Page!  I met Joe at the POG meeting last week at the AMA.  Super nice guy.  We talked a bit about his time with the ARMY team, riding the Qualifiers.  In the manner typical of you fast guys, he spoke very modestly of his skills and was honored to have been selected to ride on behalf of the U.S.  Thanks for the pic, Joe.  Keep 'em coming.  Love those vintage images.

Kip Kern

Love them Rokons!  Is one of the bikes Ron Lamastus? (Lansing Motorcycle Club)[?]

Paul Danik

The Rokons would have belonged to the Fort Hood Motorcycle Team of which Joe Dengler was a member of.

Joe is from Pittsburgh and has been attending POG functions with us. An interesting note is that Joe went from riding Rokons on the Army Team to being a tiller driver for the Pittsburgh fire department after his Army enlistment. A tiller driver is the guy who sits at the back of a firetruck and steers the back wheels.
