Production figures

Started by imported_n/a, December 30, 2001, 09:17:48 AM

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While searching the Internet for a 250 Penton G.E.M. Products reed for Knute (see other forum) I stumbled upon a site that lists factory production numbers by year for decades of Montesa models.  
Have any Penton or KTM production figures ever been made available?


Doug Wilford

At this time there are no correct figuures of production Pentons, they are being researched.     We are working on a bike registry for this site.   It is our hopes that enough people will register their Penton stuff, frames on up to complete bikes, that we will be able to compile by year, model, serial number etc. Some accurate production figures.


Kip Kern

The only production figures I have seen are in a German book, "KTM",  This shows total number of machines produced per year but is not specific as per KTM/Penton, just gives totals produced per year.



Doug, are you going to have a data entry screen on the website for us to enter our data?  It would be cool if it could be done that way!



Doug Wilford

Glenn;   That is what we are working on.  I am sure there will be some missed items, but I was trying to catagorize as much as possible, so that the changes made to the bikes will corilate to the serial numbers and years, it is being set up so that you will have to register the same as this forum, so that whom ever makes the entries will be able to edit or delete there own files.



After you've acquired the data, what then?  Will members be allowed to access summary data or be able to print reports or what?  What do you envision?



Doug Wilford

Glenn;  After there are entries in the register, they will be open for all to see,print or whatever.  The first page will contain the last 10 entries made into the registry, they then go into a master file.  We are getting very close to putting it on the site, just a few more tweeks here and there.   Registered participants will have access to the master file too!



Thanks, Doug.  Your hard work is much appreciated.
