I.D. POG members

Started by OhioTed, February 14, 2009, 09:36:25 PM

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Hellow, friends.  I am currently working on editing video of the 40th Anniversary event.  I'll be needing help IDing everyone, so I can put names with faces.  First one I need is a confirmation:  Isn't Mrs. Buffenmyer's first name "Harriet"?  Thanks.



  Yes my wifes name is Harriet.
          Thanks, Lee Buffenmyer


Thanks, Lee.  Say, could I get your personal e-mail address, for future reference?  If you want, you can send it to me direct, rather than post it.


Next up is this young lady, seen working hard to help prepare lunch for hungry POG'ers, at the 40th Anniversary event.  Please help me to ID her, so I may give credit to each of these selfless volunteers.


Here are some more folks, whom I would like to recognize in the 40th Anniversary video.  If anyone could help with their names, I would sure appreciate it.



Come on, folks.  I need some help.  I'm getting ready to put a wrap on disc # 1 of the 40th event, and I hate to leave anyone's name out.  Sure would like to ID these guys.


Ohio Ted. The first picture is the two guys from Mich. who had the awesome Jackpine Enduro display.The tall one in the backgrounds first name is Jim, and I cannot remember anything more about their names. However, Jim rode a great looking and running Steel Tanker in the parade and also had a Jackpiner on display. Jeez, you would think I would remember names instead of bikes. Hank.

Hank Rinehart
Hank Rinehart