A Toast to a Great Year

Started by imported_n/a, December 31, 2001, 01:22:59 PM

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I would like to raise my glass to toast all you POGgers who have rekindled my love for Pentons that I felt 30 years ago.  May 2002 be as great or better than 2001.

May you all have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.



Larry Perkins

Same to you and all Glenn.  I might point out that it is actually going to be 36AP(After Penton) according to the Pentonian calendar which of course is much more accurate than that Gregorian one all the non-Poggites use.  

Thanks to everyone that made it a great year for us here at The Penton Man.  Special thanks to Al, Doug, and Paul for your help and fellowship.  The most awesome thanks from us all to the man that had the plan-Mr. Penton.  Without the spark in his head we could all be riding Maicos or something.  Yow, I just got a terrible shiver.


Doug Wilford

Fellow Pentonians, Pentomaniacs or whatever. Thanks to you all for a great year, and speaking for Al,Paul and all the board members, you guys and gals are the ones that make if fun for us Too!  Have a grrreaaatt!!!! 2002


Paul Danik

Ditto from me on all of the above.  I would like to mention that I have been told numerous times from different family members that the formation of the Penton Owners Group has meant a lot to Mr. John Penton. Each and every one of you should be proud to be giving something back to someone who has given us all so much over the years. I have seen Mr. Penton just look at the people and machines at the POG displays and shake his head in amazement. Lets keep him shaking his head in 2002!!!!