Vintage Dirt Bike Posters & Calendars

Started by Chuck Beers, January 10, 2002, 04:05:25 PM

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Chuck Beers

Hello Fellow Vintage Dirt Bike Enthusiasts!
As well as being an old dirt rider, I'm an artist who loves to create unique old dirt bike posters and graphics. You're invited to my web site: to check out my large selection of posters and calendars. I'm almost finished with a new line of Penton posters. They are not shown on my web site yet, so email me at [email protected] to receive samples of the new posters.


Chuck Beers

Light Source Graphics
11436 Dayton-Farmersville Road
Farmersville, Ohio 45325-8250  U.S.A.

Phone: 937-696-0901 • Fax: 937-696-2411
Email: [email protected]
Web: //