Still....Keeping Track/Dwight Rudder

Started by firstturn, June 15, 2009, 07:24:56 PM

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As usual our POG Still....Keeping Track is so well done.  Great article on our POG Member Dwight Rudder.  I have known Dwight since 1978 and I can assure you he has earned every award he has achieved.  For those of you who have never raced any of Maplesville Alabama Enduros you need to know they are put on for racers and are not Family enduros. That is the area that Dwight learned to ride. Thanks Dwight for sharing your story.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Dwight Rudder

Thanks Ron.  I was shocked that they didn't use any pictures of me riding a Penton. I had no scans of me on my Jackpiner but I sent several from 1974 and early 75 on my Six Day 125. I won my first OA at a H/S in 1973 on my Jackpiner. Damn that was a fast bike. Yes, I grew up 60 miles from Maplesville and that was where I learned to race.


  I moved to Montgomery in 1978 with my first assignment with Honda.  It didn't take me long to figure out that there where a group of lumber jacks in that area that could ride and knew the land. Since I was on the road 5 to 6 days a week it didn't give me much time to ride, but the area was/is beautiful and if you could win there you could win anywhere.  Just a side note.  Even though Mark Barnett was from Illinois he used to train and stay with his Grand Mother in Selma Alabama.  Man could that guy train.  Thanks again Dwight for sharing your story.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Steve Minor

Ron's right! 'Bama has some great riding...I rode a 2-Day in Pell City Alabama in 1978....still have the T-shirt. As I remember it was a very tough course.

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor


Hey, Dwight - The exclusion of a picture of you on a Penton is my fault.  I must have mixed up the photos, which you sent to me.  Al even asked me if we had one of you on a Penton.  Sorry, but I submitted the story right at deadline, plus had a lot of oars in the water at the time.  (I actually wrote the story while enroute to a trip to DC)

Dwight Rudder

You did a fine job of making me look good.  Thanks,


Still not on a Penton but always fun to watch at all the reunion rides.  
Thanks Dwight

Skip Page
Tucson, AZ
Skip Page
Tucson, AZ


Nice picture Skip.  Sorry I missed you last weekend.  We need to have a Arizona/Texas POG meeting soon.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh