awesome Enduro video footage

Started by OhioTed, December 03, 2009, 07:21:03 PM

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Check out how it looks from the perspective of a AA Enduro rider, on a new KTM 250.  What beautiful trail!  The Kipper might recognize it, as it's in his backyard.

brian kirby

Cool video! That looked like one of my helmet camera videos, he center punched a tree, overshot a couple of corners, only it looks like its in fast forward compared to mine. :D


'72 Berkshire

Kip Kern

Probably from the Upland, IN. National Enduro the same weekend we were all at the ISDTRR.  Our National was voted the best in the country twice, what an honor.  We are supposed to have another one next year with the end of year banquet (new thing) being at the Covered Bridge in Matthews.  We are blessed with over 100 land owners in 3 counties.  We (Muddobbers MC) have a huge banquet every spring and honor/thank our land owners, the least we can do.  A lot of great trail to ride around here, hopefully it doesn't follow suit as most of the country and close it up.  Support your local MC Club and it's land owners!;) CIAO

Gordon Brennan

How far apart are the starts? Didn't take him too long to catch whoever started in front of him. Very fast. In some places it looked too tight for handlebars to fit through.
I like the cordial WWHHOOOO to move people out of the way. Here in New England, they just scream GET THE &*$# OUT OF THE WAY!!!!
Thanks for posting.


When I bench race I'm much faster than this guy [:o)]

Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)

Kip Kern

Normally 3-5 riders out every minute.  Better have the bars cut down to 28" here or you will have sore hands!

tooclose racing

What a rush! A lot of the Mid-Ohio CC trail has same characteristics - I had such a blast there. Our Broome Tioga CC (laid out by Chicago Jerry and company) also had similar trail.  Thank god for the Ascerbis rally guards I mounted on the Six Day for the tree hugging sections.

And I must agree with Mr. Kirby, this is a Fast Boy. Wow.

Final observation - how do guys do this on the modern bikes with all of that suspension?  In my warped, vintage mind - I'm thinking it's easier to point and dab with shorter, even "classic" suspension.

Gary Ellis - what is your secret on that 250 four stroke?[8D]


Great video. The motor just sound so smooth and electric. I have an 08 KTM 250 XC and it is the best bike I've ever owned.

Tooclose racing, I think there are great vintage motors out there that are just as good as any modern motor today -- in fact I know there are b/c I own some. IMHO what separates the vintage from the modern iron are 2 things: disc brakes and a more modifiable suspension package. Besides doing some mild prerace testing, I rarely ride my Post vintage bikes on the really hard, gnarly and tortous trails that I ride my modern bikes.

The FIRST reason I don't ride them there is b/c they're old and I don't want to trash them. The SECOND reason is b/c my old (though new) supesnsions just can't take all the pounding on the tortous and rocky terrain that I ride my modern bike on. Now, I think if I actually really took the time to PERFECTLY set up my suspension on my PV bikes, I think it wouldn't be a problem...I'm not saying they would be better than my modern bike, but it would make it more comparable. IMHO modern suspensions and disc brakes -- allow me to carry and modulate my speed and actually helps to better more momentum on rugged terrain, mud, and through corners. The suspension set up I have my modern bike was pure genius by my suspension guy -- it really just works for me. I have not ridden my KTM June or July, so last weekend I started it up and rode it around the yard, and I was smiling from ear to ear b/c I forgot just how nice modern bikes are...NOW, I will say I'd give anything if they could make these things aircooled...There's a reason I own only ONE modern bike...The vintage bikes are simply just easier to work on...period!

AND I can replace a modern bike in a NY minute -- but these ol' euro irons are like old slippers that have a hole in the sole and the wifey keeps to telling ya' to throw them out...But she doesn't really know that despite lookin' old and beat up, these ol' shoes, just like my ol' euro iron. are comfortable, and fit just right. They're not perfect, but they get job done.

JC Hubbard
2008 KTM 250 XC
1985 Husqvarna WR 400
1984 Maico 250 SC
1983 Husqvarna WR 250
1979 Maico 250 GS
JC Hubbard


Whooaa!!!! that was insane!!! I thought hand guards were just to keep the wind off your hands and to keep them warm.


72 six-day
72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250

tooclose racing

NEXT question about moderns - if this is a AA rider on a 250 (maybe 300?) two stroke, what are the chances he is running a Rekluse clutch? I GET disc brakes (my TTR 125 has better brakes than my Pentons) and I'll continue to mull over the modern suspension thing - but how cool is the Rekluse - anybody got a modern with one of these?  In my mind, I'm thinking you can just run right on the tight stuff and not even touch the clutch, just shift and brake while the motor idles away.  I can't see this guy's left hand, but he sure makes the tight stuff look effortless ;) - of course, that could be why is AA, and I used to just chase B trophies back in the day.

BTW - don't discussions about the Rekluse ultimately beg the question -why didn't they sell more Husky Autos?  Why didn't anybody else (Rokon excluded)give this a go?  

Ahhh..Sunday...putzing away at the POG instead of setting up the tree and bringing down the christmas "gear" from the attic.  [^]

jeff greenberg

Indeed that was a fun video to watch. I even made my wife watch part of it cause it was so scenic, HA!) About a month ago I made a camping / riding trip up to the Traverse City, Mich area. My buddy lent me his Honda 450 with a Rekluse in it. Once I got use to it I felt like I was cheating. It was nice to have in the tight woods.


TCR - There were in fact several questions posed to our AA friend on posts below the video, and one of the questions asked was if he is running a Rekluse clutch.  The answer was "no".  It was reported that the particular (very quiet) silencer the bike is equipped with makes it sound a little different.  There is more to it than that, of course.  This KTM (it is a 250, by the way) is certainly jetted spot-on, and the rider obviously knows how to make the most of a torquey motor.  Note, how he only shifts in the open sections, while all the tight stuff is run in only one gear.  Just goes to show how well a good 250 can work when it is geared to pull the fat part of the powerband early.  Also, certain riders just have a knack for riding "gently", and make it look easy.  The guy is smokin' fast though, no doubt about it.

About the Husky Auto's - my understanding is that there several quirks about the bikes, which made them less than ideal for the average rider.  For example, in order to make the engine and tranny work properly, you had to on the gas all the time.  Anything less, and the bikes would just free-wheel.  Then when you got back into it, the trans would often have you in the wrong gear.  Also, there was a high wear-factor involving the componentry linked to first-to-second gear changes.  Finally, no engine braking.  If you think that's not a detriment, try pulling in the clutch EVERY time you let off the throttle.  Calls for a different riding technique, that's for sure.  

The Autos did work well for pro-level guys.  I was at the Blackwater 100 in 1985, when Terry Cunningham won it on a Husky Auto.  Terry was amazing on that thing - he just held the throttle wide open all the time.  A huge rooster-tail of mud constantly flew up behind the bike, and that big-bore motor just pulled and pulled, always at the torque peak.  It was bizarre to watch him go down the trail with the motor never changing pitch, but the bike going faster and faster.

Bob Bean

I recognized some of those trails from 20 years ago..  :-)
1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany

G Ellis

Bob I run a Rekluse clutch on my 250. No stalling,can shift with the throttle on. I have an over ride on mine, so you have the option to use it or not. I for one after riding with one, I will never go without. Now if I can fit one on my penton.:D:D

Kip Kern

We (Muddobbers MC) will be doing her again next year on the 2nd of October, Saturday,  National Enduro and banquet at Upland/Matthews, IN.  Also, the Endurocross is coming to Indy the 27th of August with a Shane Watts School the 28/29th of August in NW Indiana.  Man, what a fantastic year for off road fun in Indiana![:p]