1973 125 World Cup

Started by atk114, February 01, 2010, 10:29:34 AM

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Hello All,

The other day I was going through some boxes that contained old issues of MX Action and Dirt Rider magazines. In these magazines was coverage of the 1973 125 World Cup held in St. Charles, MO. I was in attendance with my dad and brother. It was so cool to see in person the Pentons and riders that we heard so much about. Bruce McDougal, Ray Lopez, Tim Lunde, and others that I'me sure I've forgotten to mention. The Mettco bikes, Marty Smith and his Monark. It was a very cool event for a 15 year old that raced a 125 Penton.

I remember this race pretty well considering the amount of time and brain cells that have past. Did anyone here attend this race? What were your memories? I've been searcing to find more information about this event but have found nothing.

Just thought I mention it and throw it out there.


Keith R. Larson
Keith R. Larson

Mike Lenz

Sounds cool.  I raced there in 76. Would have loved seeing that!



How was the track in '76. While the '73 World Cup was very cool, it also had some issues. The track was very (and I mean very) dusty. I remember that thinking if you didn't make it to the top 5 or 6 at the start there was no way to see. It was that bad. As the bikes spread out visibility got a litle better, but it was pretty bad. Didn't they run a Trans-AMA there in '74 or '75?

Another thing, I was wondering why factory Penton was not at the event. I mean, Penton as a motorcycle was there and they ran up front at times during the race, but I don't remember the Penton guys there at all. I was a bit disappointed not to see them. I'm a little suprised that no one here was at this race. It was cool and remains a great memory.

Keith R. Larson
Keith R. Larson

Larry Perkins

Penton was always most focused on Enduro events and MX was more of a side thing.  So attendance was probably based on priorities.  Seems like I remember 76 being muddy and not dusty but that may have been 75.  I was there in either 75 & 76 or 76 & 77.  Too many years and head hits since to be real clear.:D  Mike can confirm perhaps the muddy year.  What I remember most is that the track seemed a bit tight to me compared to what I was used to in Texas and the huge(for the time) anthill jump in the middle of the track.  Great days and adventures!

Larry P