Wanted: 5A (Iron Barrel) Head

Started by Gordon Brennan, April 08, 2010, 08:14:55 AM

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Gordon Brennan

I am correcting a previous wanted post. I am looking for a High Compression Head for my iron barrel 125/5A. I am also looking for a stock head for this barrel, to have milled by JP, if I can find one at a reasonable price.

Thanks to Mike Gallagher for setting me straight on what I'm actually looking for.

Here's my email address in case the site's system isn't working.
[email protected]

joe novak

Hello,  I have heard that the email through the POG site has been not working for some time.  Best to contact friends directly.  Good luck finding a head.   I saw one on Ebay about a month ago.  It was the PUCH sunburst head.

Gordon Brennan

gooddirt, Can you give me some contact information? Email; Phone number?
Thanks, Gordon

Gordon Brennan

If anyone out there has any contact information for gooddirt, could you email it to me.
Thanks, [email protected]