Carburetor problems

Started by Gordon Brennan, May 24, 2010, 03:40:50 PM

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joe novak

Hello,  I would remove the spark plug, inspect it, and install the original plug which you replaced.   It could be a (new) fouled spark plug.  Check the ignition system for proper grounds and loose connections.  After that, I would remove the carb and clean it internally, especially the small orifices like the air/idle passage.  I also agree with Lew about the float needle not sealing well, perhaps due to dirt.


Try what Lew said first.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Paul Danik

If you don't already have an in line fuel filter, now might be a good time to put one in.

It sure sounds like some dirt got into the tank when your cap was off and made it's way to the carb. You might want to also make sure your tank is clean, take it off and dump that gas and really rinse it out.

If gas is constantly flowing from the bottom of the carb that is a good indication that the float needle needs attention, but you might also have a clogged passage or jet, I have been in that situation a time or two myself :)  Dirt can lead to a wiskered plug so you might have some overlapping items to content with. Sorry if I repeated what some of the others have already mentioned.

Hope this helps,

Gordon Brennan

Paul, I think I'm leaning towards a piece of dirt on (in) the float needle. The top of the motor was pretty wet. I do have an inline filter but they're not fool-proof.
I have had the carburetor apart several times to adjust float and experiment with jetting, but Genuine nos didn't have the float needle and seat. I don't have the carburetor with me to look at. How does the float needle seat come out? Who might have the needle and seat?
Thanks folks.

brian kirby


Paul Danik


   When ever I have gotten any dirt in the needle and seat area a good cleaning usually solved the problem.  Having said that, we are dealing with some parts that might be 35 years old and could be worn.  If it were me I would just clean the entire carb including blowing out all the passage ways and jets, then give it a try.  Old Augie used to keep a bit of Commet cleanser handy to lap a worn needle and seat if both parts were metal, but I wouldn't do that unless things are worn and new isn't available.

   Unless you had gas running out the bowl overflow my guess is that you have a plugged jet or passageway, also try that other plug.  

  Another trick is to get the bike running and then shut the petcock off while keeping the engine going, and see if it clears out as it runs out of fuel.

Hope this helps,

Glenn Berry

Gorden, The first trials I rode with my wassell almost the same thing happened(except losing the gas cap). The material we used to seal off the choke started dissolving.We changed what was used to seal the choke and bike has been running great. I agree check what Lew sugested,he has my Wassell running great for years.
Its always neat to see a picture of a wassell being riden in a trials.
Good Luck, Glenn

Glenn Berry
Glenn Berry

Paul Danik

I lost the gas cap off my 125 EXC about a year ago on a trail ride, fortunately I had a rag to plug the hole well enough to just keep going.  It sure makes you appreciate the chain that keeps the Penton caps from hitting the ground if they become loose.


Gary Eaves

hey gordon
nice photo mate
good to see another wassell in action!!!!

Gordon Brennan

I checked the choke plug and all was well there. I ordered a new Float needle and new Float needle seat. I asked the guy on the phone how to get the old seat out and he just said he was including instructions on how to do it.
Has anyone here removed the seat, and how did you do it?

john durrill

 You need a 7 mm tap. Follow the instructions. A thoughtful use of heat. Use care to pull in a straight line. To install the new one's we used a small amount of heat ( good hair dryer) and cooled the seat in the freezer. Like installing a bearing in the engine cases.
Wooden dowels make good punches if you need to gently tap the seat in.
 Their are 2 types of needles and seats. Make sure you get the right needle for the seat you ordered.
good luck
john d.