Hello again - too long away

Started by rob brown, May 17, 2010, 11:15:07 AM

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rob brown


Hello POGGER's.  It's been awhile since I have checked in. You may recall that I had a multi-line dealership in Va., and was selling off some of my prized bikes in order to keep things going. I sold these, among others:

*Penton Wassel Trials, bought from Barry Pate, sold to a POG member in the Raleigh, NC area. I can't remember his name at the moment.
*1974 (?) Penton 175 Jackpiner to Pat Mickevicius
*1997.5 30th Anniversary 200 Jackpiner, bought from Dave Simmons, sold to Dino Medina in OK.
* 1973 (?)  Honda CT90 to Rod Gorzny. I never could find the headlight for that one – sorry Rod.

I also sold an old Penton manual/book from Cycle Center in Salem, VA during VMD 07, with a neat letter inside. I can't remember which Pogger bought that one, but thanks.

Sorry to say, we wrapped things up and closed the store at the end of October 09. The economy just got the best of us; sales dropped 90% in one year. We had a good store too.  But the unemployment rate in that area was and is bad – currently at 22%! To say the closure knocked me off my feet wouldn't begin to describe it all.  But we pick up the pieces and move on, right? I will always be a Penton nut to whatever extent I can afford!  In my "new" life, I will remain an occasional orphanage for neat old things, especially Penton. I'm looking forward to making it back to VMD this year. I'll rejoin and pay dues then too:)

FWIW, last week I found a couple of bikes certainly worth saving.  I will post in the for sale section; just asking for your help to verify year and model.  First is a Penton, serial #5460691323, number on lower left side of case is 3590, number on lower right side of case is 5503590. The "clock" shows 5 of 1976 ( my eyes are not as good anymore either!). It has the orange tank with L stripe, and black Penton name. It has the short brake arm and multi position shock holes. I believe it is a 1976 400 Cross Country. Sound about right?  The owner said he had it about 25 years. He described it as way too fast for him, so he parked it. The critters had eaten up the seat and he couldn't find the base in his pile of stuff, so he strapped on a Honda seat (!)  He did briefly start it. I kicked and he twice did the ugly starting fluid routine. It fired and died both times. I didn't want to do more than that.

 Second, the same owner had a KTM, which he said was a 1986 300. I tried to research this on KTMtalk, but no luck so far. The serial# is 850929570, number on right side above countershaft is #06218, and the part number on left side of cylinder is #54430405000. I'm thinking a 350? It runs, according to him. But he had cobbled up a rough,sloped left kicker, and of course my shin took a beating! Will get it started asap.

I will try to attach a pic of each.

I'm working on digging up (literally) two steel tankers that were pushed into a ditch and covered up. They had been sitting under a tree on a farm, and the Grandfather cleaned up. Will document that one as it goes!!!

To summarize – I'm looking forward to VMD and the POG group. You are a great bunch of folks!

Rob Brown
[email protected]
[email protected]   (till end of year)

rob brown

Darn - I can't figure out how to add pics. Suggestions? Will also be glad to email. Thanks


  It is good to hear from you and I am very sorry to hear how bad unemployment is and the closing of your dealership.  Please stay in touch and here is what Mike Winters posted  on how to download pictures.  I hope this helps.

Print this out and follow these steps if you do not already have a picture hosting account.
Go to Photobucket.com and click Join Now.
Type in your email address and then choose a password then re-type it and click next.
Fill in your personal information field, security code, and click accept.
Click on Choose Files in the middle RH side of the page.
Choose the location on your computer where your pics are stored.
(I usually download them to my pictures, which is located under My Documents, but you could download them right from your camera if it is connected to your Computer.)
Choose your pic from the file. You may need to click open.
Add Title or description, Optional.
Click return to album...easiest way for me, then put cursor on picture and 4 links will appear.
Left click on the bottom link which starts with (img), then right click on it and select copy.
Open a new tab opr browser window, got to message board and paste the code in your text on a new line for each picture, and post your message and you are finished.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob brown

Thanks Ron! It's great to hear from you again too. I am finding nowadays it takes awhile to stand up when you fall down...

Will try that with photobucket.

rob brown


I'm the guy from Raleigh, NC who bought the Wassell from you (Chuck Reuben). I'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out at your shop. Things are tough right now but it sounds like you have a positive attitude and am moving forward. I wish you good luck. I've attached a picture of the Wassell. I completely refurbished it and it sits in my garage. I'm hoping to ride it this years in some AHRMA trials events.

Good luck again Rob.

72 125 Six Days
72 100 Berkshire
74 250 Hare Scrambles
72 Wassel

rob brown

Wow - she's a beauty Chuck! I'm glad you wrote; tried to remember your name but drew a blank. I really wanted to keep these Pentons but there was no way. In this case at least, it went to a better home. Fantastic! Hope to say hello at VMD.



I found a headlight for the Trail 90 and it served me well for a pit bike at Mid-Ohio last year.  Hope to see you this year.
Rod G

Big Mac

Rob - glad to hear you're re-grouping and still a Penton/KTM fan and keeping in touch via the POG network.

A decade ago I got to know Dino Medina, who turned out to be a neighbor and a serious vintage mx fan. He sold me my first CZ400 and became a good friend, introduced me to the POG group and got me interested in Pentons. We organized a major trip (for us, from OR) to ride the '02 ISDTR where I first met John and Jack Penton, Rik Smits and many others.

I bought a local '97.5 200EXC LE in '07 and proudly sent some details and pics to Dino, who by then had moved to OK. He was inspired and had to have one, swore me to help him find one. Not many come up, but saw yours listed here a year or so later---I lit a fire under him to get on it....

So there you go. Common interests, great community, lots of connections in a bigger family. Keep the passion and keep in touch!

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR

rob brown

Rod - Thanks for writing. Glad to hear you found a headlight. Jon - good story about Dino - thanks for sharing. It is a great group!

FWIW - I took some more pics today and uploaded them to my photobucket account. I'm learning this stuff :)  Please anyone let me know if I am wrong on the model of the Penton.

Thanks again,


rob brown

I'm happy to say that both bikes have gone to someone who read about them from this site. Michael Stivason and I met halfway yesterday and he took both bikes. The KTM started with the dreaded spray fluid :)  And even better - I was able to get the Penton fully running on Sunday. I even got to ride it through the gears before loading it on my truck for the trip :):) One more Penton saved :) It is so good to realize a happy ending. Michael also has a Penton 125 and is going to do some Vintage events.  He is planning on going to VMD.

Thanks to all for the help and good words!

Mr. Administrator - one note. Michael has been trying to get a login ID for this site to no avail. I can assure you he is legit. Anything I can do to help verify, please let me know. He also restores Triumphs and Nortons. He will be a great POG member.