Westpoint Test videos

Started by brian kirby, September 23, 2010, 09:31:20 AM

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brian kirby

Here are the two of four tests I got from Saturday at Westpoint. I had camera issues for test 1 and 4 so I got nothing from them. I got all of test 2 and 2/3 of test 3. I crash late in test 3 and the recorder shut off but I got most of it. Enjoy.


I've got more from Sunday coming soon...



Cool!!!!!!!!  Very, Very Good!  I've said it before,  I don't know how you guys do it.  Wow,  I thought I saw some Bell Mountain rocks and dust on test 2.

Keep em coming!

72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250
72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250

brian kirby

G, I used to hit those Bell mountain rocks all the time when I lived out there. What was the name of that bar you could ride to on your dirt bike? I think it was east of Barstow on the south side of I-40.


brian kirby

I remember now, it was called the Slash X.


brian kirby

The last two videos I have from Westpoint. This is Sunday test 3 and the grass track. Note in the grass track I have 4 time National Enduro champion Terry Cunninham in my moto. I line up on the outside and he is far inside. He (of course) pulls a clean holeshot and checks out, all you see is a streak of dust.




Quotequote:Originally posted by brian kirby

The last two videos I have from Westpoint. This is Sunday test 3 and the grass track. Note in the grass track I have 4 time National Enduro champion Terry Cunninham in my moto. I line up on the outside and he is far inside. He (of course) pulls a clean holeshot and checks out, all you see is a streak of dust.



Nice race video Brian.

JC Hubbard

brian kirby

Did you like the "outside-inside-outside" move I put on the guy riding the '84 Husky WR400 at the start of lap 2? I went into that left hander committed, locked the rear break to get turned and pulled the trigger, that KTM 400 went bbbuuuuRRRAAAAAAP and did the rest for me. :D

There is no way I could have kept up with TC, but I sure would have liked to have gotten in second at the start so I could at least try. I was a little faster than the guy on the IT200, Rick Terry, but he is a VERY good rider, rides clean lines, and does not make mistakes even if you pressure him so I was pretty sure I was not going to get around him unless he fell.



Yeah BK that was a nice move -- nice racing on your part..Looked like you were trying to do the same with the guy on IT...I thought he was going to bobble, and then you'd shoot right past him...But you have to give credit where credit is due. You're right, he rode tight, clean lines, and I think he knew that you were definitely trying to set him and he countered with good defensive riding/racing...Nonetheless, you had an outstanding race...

JC Hubbard

brian kirby

You see Rick and I go into the corner at the end of the long straight handlebar to handlebar at the start? Rick and I have raced before and he is one of those guys I totally trust to ride that close. I wont ride that close with just anyone, but I trust Rick. I also knew that 99% he was not going to make a mistake but I rode different lines just in case.



Oh Yea, Oh Yea.  Loved IT!   If you had a better starting spot.  You would have been in front of the IT200.  He did bobble a few times.
The pass was sweet! Keep em coming,  I watch em all!

Yea the name of the bar is the Slash X.  The old owners sold it a few years ago and took all the money off the walls, roof, poles, so the place looks alot different.  I use to like riding out there and Bell Mt. but, all the off road races confined into 1 or 2 small areas has made these legal riding area's into 1 giant whoop-de-do.  To many of my friends have been hurt riding there.  When I go on Tuesday, I'll go out to Mule Canyon. Nobody goes there alot more fun.

Thanks for the Vids.  I really do like watching them.


72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250
72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250

brian kirby

I actually picked the outside on purpose. The first turn was really sharp, almost 180 and the motos before mine the guys on the inside were stacking up and getting blocked. Ernie pulled a clean holeshot from the outside, so thats what I tried too.


tooclose racing

Nice job, Brian.  I was leaning back and forth in my chair as I watched it.