POG meeting

Started by Paul Danik, November 01, 2010, 10:47:57 AM

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Paul Danik


   The POG meeting for November will take place on Thursday November 4th.  It will take place at the KTM building, Amherst, Ohio and will begin precisely at 7pm, give or take a few minutes depending on deal making and general BS :)

  If there is anyone coming to the meeting who could haul the POG easy up with them and then bring it to the Will Stoner swapmeet on Sunday in Medina please let me know. [email protected]  

Hope to see you there.

Paul Danik


   Just a reminder that tonight is the night.....

Last months presenter, Ollie Martin, chose John Borer to do "what is in your garage" tonight. Word has it that a rental company put a tent up outside the KTM building for John yesterday :)

We will be discussing possible locations to do POG displays this coming year.  Ollie, Al and the gang have the POG Hi-Point trailer standing tall and we hope to hit the road to a couple selected events.

Hope to see you tonight.

joe novak

I am looking forward to seeing what treasures John Borer brings for his opportunity at "What's in my Garage".  Remember, John gets to choose who is next month's candidate.  Joe

Paul Danik

If you missed tonight's meeting you sure missed one heck of a good time.  Besides Jack and John Penton, Dane Leimbach, Doug Wilford, Mike Rosso and Bud Green, another famous ISDT vetern paid us a visit, Barry Higgins.  

The place was pretty much standing room only and the stories were really flying. Barry told of his first encounter with John Penton, explained how Ghost Motorcycles got their name, and how he lost 5 grand when his Kawasaki blew it's engine at the ISDT in 1973 on day 5.  

It was a great evening, thanks to all who attended for making it so.

Time for bed.

Kip Kern

Paul,  Was that Barry I saw working with Billy Joel on TV during a show that specializes in building Cafe Racers?  Sure looked like him and this guy also had a Ghost Racing "T" shirt on.[?]

Jeff D

And I presume you told Barry that he needs to come to the ISDT Reunion Ride next fall....right?.....right?

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Paul Danik


   I have no idea as far as his involvement with the show.


    Jack did a very good job of working on Barry, he even offered up JP's personal machine if needed.  Wouldn't it be neat to see Barry flying around the final grasstrack with a Ghost jersey on :)

    When Augie and I were racing AHRMA MX events a number of years ago, Barry's dad Harry was a staple at the events.  Harry Higgins and Californian Jim Cameron were to me the ideal examples of what AHRMA and vintage racing was all about.  They rode their old BSA's and did a fine job on them, but no matter where they finished they would be smiling ear to ear and enjoying every minute of the event. Augie was also the same way, he was just so happy to ride his 500cc ESO and to just be out there with the boys mixing it up a little.

   One time when we were at the Ocala MX track, as Augie would finish his moto his wife Sandie and I would be waiting for him, he would stop and dismount and hand the ESO off to me to take back to the truck.  I had just put the ESO on the old milk crate when a gentleman in a pair of spiffy overalls walks by and made a comment, I did not understand what he said asked him about it, "the chain looks like it needs a pull" he stated, about then I noticed the Sammy Miller patch on his fancy coveralls and realized I was talking with the observed trails king himself. Who was I to argue with one of the masters, I grabbed the proper spanners and began the process of giving the chain a pull, if I just could have had a warm pop from a Lucus refrigerator :D

  As the saying goes, "thanks for the memories".
