Home page photo

Started by paul a. busick, June 17, 2011, 03:53:57 PM

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paul a. busick

Won't somebody help that poor bastard out of that mud hole?  He has most likely houred out by now! :D  Or maybe he has drowned.
 See you down Old Dusty.
 Amherst paul

Lew Mayer

I remember houring out at 12 miles on one mud run. DOH!

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Paul Danik

About the guy stuck in the mud......

At the last POG meeting Bill explained that he and Karen are swamped with putting on the 2011 Annual Wheelmen bicycling meet and that they would not be changing the homepage photo till after the meet was over. If you have time to check out the Wheelmen website it is pretty interesting and it includes the meet details, the website should look a bit familiar in layout as Bill and Karen handle it as well as the POG and Silver Strings Dulcimer websites. http://www.thewheelmen.org/

As for the rider in the mud, I think he now has the Guinness record for continuous underwater wheel spin :)

I wish Bill and Karen good luck and great success with their Wheelmen meet, it looks like it will be a busy time on Mackinac Island....



I like that photo. It reminds me of my very first MX race in Lawton OK back in 1969. It had rained all week and they didn't cancel the event. The track ran through the once DRY creek bed, but you know mother nature. I was riding my brand NEW Six Day and it was a good thing it was a high breather as the water level in some parts of the track were up to the bottom of the tank. I think there were only 4 of us who finished that event. My 1st MX and my First 1st place trophy. Took two weeks to get all the mud and muck cleaned off the bike and even longer to get it cleaned off of me!

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR