October POG meeting

Started by Paul Danik, September 27, 2011, 06:39:47 AM

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Paul Danik


   It is hard to believe but the October POG meeting is just around the corner. We will be meeting on Thursday October 6th. at the KTM campus in Amherst, Ohio.  The meeting will begin at 7 pm.

   Besides the usual POG meeting agenda, we will be having a special presentation, as described below.

   Jeff Borer will be giving a presentation on NSU motorcycles, Jeff did this presentation for the folks at a recent BMW rally and he has graciously agreed to present it for us. As most all of you know John Penton rode and sold NSU motorcycles so the connection is quite obvious. It is also interesting to note that the high breather system that was employed on many of the Pentons was "borrowed" from the NSU  high breather design. At VMD as the rain pounded down on the tent one evening Jeff showed Al Buehner, Al Born and I some of his presentation, it is quite interesting.

  On a personal note, my first motorcycle was a 1965 Honda 150cc Dream that had been lightly crashed on the road, I inherited the Honda and then proceeded to continuously crash it in the woods and any where else I rode it. When I saw an NSU I was totally amazed at how much the Honda Dream resembled the design of the NSU, it looked to me like Honda had done a bit of "borrowing" of their own, but of course that is only speculation on my part.

Hope to see you there.


I'll be at Barber, so I won't be at the meeting. But I was thinking the NSU presentation would be a good canadate for a DVD. Another piece of history preserved by the POG.

Paul Danik

Just a reminder that tomorrow night is the meeting.

 To all of you lucky folks going to Barber, have a safe and fun trip. Please take some time when you get back and tell us about the event.


Paul Danik

A BIG POG thanks to Jeff Borer for his presentation last night at the meeting. The one portion of his presentation was the showing of a video showing the NSU factory at work building motorcycles, it was quite interesting, even thought it was narrated in German :)

Jeff's presentation sparked some interesting comments afterwords as John told of visiting numerous motorcycle factories in Germany, Spain, England and Austria at the time. His comparisons of the various degrees of technologies employed by the different factories of the time was very interesting and informative, it also provided some insight as to why some of those factories and companies eventually went out of business.
