ISDT Reunion Ride

Started by Jeff D, October 22, 2011, 01:00:02 PM

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Ernie Phillips

I heard from a post-vintage rider who said no-way he would ride a vintage bike at Combs.  Is he a whimp or is Combs getting too beat out to be fun on a short travel bike?

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

Bill Ryburn

As for riding Combs on a vintage bike, I think it depends on your definition of fun. I felt the weekend was definetly a challenge, but I finished and enjoyed the weekend. The weather was perfect, the club is first class, and the comraderie couldn't be beaten.
Since I ride slower than most, riding the rocks was OK. If I had any competition in my class, or felt compelled to try and go faster, I really believe I would have damaged my bike, myself, or both.
There was probably a reason that there were far fewer entrants on vintage bikes, and only one premier bike (DNF middle of day 1.)
There were some entrants that did very well on vintage bikes. Realistically, Combs is rocks and can be tough. But it is very difficult to set up an event that can be challenging to expert and ISDT vets on PV nad modern bikes, yet ridable by old and slow novices on vintage bikes.
Bottom line, I wish I had had more suspension, but the old "Steeltanker" never missed a beat.



I'm 53 and I've probably have rode the Combs event a half dozen days competing on my 74 Jackpiner.  Never hurt the bike or body but is a little rougher with the shorter suspension.  For motivation I just harken back to the days of yore, when people competed on just as rough or rougher stuff on the same kind of bike.

That said, I know at least one older, very accomplished rider will skip Combs due to passing blood after the event.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

Dwight Rudder

I have ridden Combs on a Penton Six Day, Hodaka 100B+, Ossa SDR, and several times on a Hodaka Combat Wombat. I have never felt the course was too rough. If you sit a lot and DON'T wear a kidney belt, I can see passing some blood after an event. I used to often over the years.  I think that Works Performance shocks help a lot with handling the rocks. Overall I like riding Combs. Just watch the toes.

derek martin

I've ridden AHRMA events at Combs several times on bikes ranging from a 76 CR250 Honda to an 84 IT490 Yamaha and had a great time every time. After doing hardly any riding at all for two years I rode the Combs ISDTRR this past weekend as the initial outing on my recently completed 74 Penton 250 and had the most fun yet even though what riding skills I had had atrophied considerably over the last two idle years. I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Penton and recognized Jack Penton out on the trail cheering all riders on - pretty cool stuff for us Penton fans and as always the scenery we were routed through for the transfer sections was spectacular. Hats off to the Razorback Riders for putting on a tremendous event.

Dwight Rudder

I had a great time on my Hodaka.

Bob Bean

 Even after hugging that tree ?  <G>

Tree hugger!

Yes it was again another fantastic RR put on by the Razorback Riders club.  

A tip of the visor to all the hard work put in by each and every one of them.

Thank you very much.

Bob Bean

1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany

1970 125 Six Day
1973 100 Berkshire
1973 Jackpiner 175
1974 Penton 250 Harescrambler
1976 Husky 250CR
1985 Husky 400WRX
1985 Husky 400WR
1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany

Ed Chesnut

I had a grand time on my Hodie too!  Any reasonably capable 70's era off-road machine is well capable of handling the course.  I don't recall clunking the frame tubes on a rock at any time -- handle bars on trees, yes -- but frame on rocks, no.

I can see that the course might be a bit harsh for '60's era British iron, but there weren't many there.  (Of course that might be because they stayed away because of the expected rocky climbs and descents).  That's a tough issue to resolve.  How do you accomodate the "dinosaurs" (a term used with true affection) yet retain some interest for the younger (40 yr old) machines?

It was EPIC!


Keep the rubber side down!
Keep the rubber side down!